Today we will talk about what cancer is in a cat, what are its symptoms. Methods of treatment and prevention of this disease will also be considered.
What is this disease?
Cancer in a cat is a pathological process in which some body cells grow very quickly. They can germinate in neighboring tissues and organs. Cancer in animals, as well as in humans, has various forms. It can affect only one area, or maybe several at once. Squamous cell carcinoma is also common in cats.
What species are found in cats?
Animals have the same types of cancer as humans. Periodic examinations and the correct diagnosis can detect cancer in a cat in a timely manner.
The most common types of animal:
1. Skin cancer. Usually it happens in old dogs, but cats do not pass by. Most neoplasms on the skin tend to malign. Any suspicious manifestations should be shown to the veterinarian.
2. Lymphomas. Both cats and dogs are affected. In cats, usually in 26% of cases, it is caused by the leukemia virus. Basically, this type of cancer affects the digestive tract of the animal. It can be suspected by pet weakness and dyspeptic disorders.
3. Breast cancer. Typically, this species affects older animals. This tumor is the third most common type of cancer. About 86% of tumors are malignant. This tumor is localized in the tissues of the mammary glands. Breast cancer is usually found in unsterilized animals, but there are also cases of defeat of sterilized representatives of the cat family.
4. Tumor of the abdomen (abdominal). This species is very difficult to identify in the early stages of development. In this situation, one should pay attention to a sharp decrease in the body weight of the animal, repeated vomiting, diarrhea or bloating. It is worth visiting a veterinarian if these symptoms periodically occur.
If you notice any of the above manifestations, immediately go to the veterinarian for a consultation.
Having identified cancer in the initial stages, it is possible to achieve a complete cure using a combined method of therapy:
- chemotherapy drugs;
- radiation therapy;
- surgical intervention.
What is this disease? Cancer in a cat is dangerous for humans?
A photo of a sick animal does not cause positive emotions in anyone. And why does cancer appear? The disease can trigger many factors. There is no single reason. It is known that both internal factors of the body, for example, heredity, and external factors, for example, squamous cell carcinoma can develop in a cat under the influence of the sun.
The disease that we mentioned affects the ears, eyelids, nose.
Lymphosarcoma is the most dangerous and common type of cancer in a cat. When it affects the lymphatic system of the animal, it causes the disease feline leukemia virus. - FeLV. This cancer in a cat is dangerous for humans. Since it is a retrovirus transmitted through the saliva of an animal and direct contacts with it. It is asymptomatic. In order to prevent the spread of the disease, you need to periodically look around, and take tests at the veterinarian. A similar cancer in a cat is dangerous for other cats as well as for humans. Currently there is a vaccine against him.
Types of Cancer in Cats
It is impossible to specifically say which organ and tissue systems will be affected by cancer. Malignant neoplasms can develop anywhere, usually the blow goes to the organ or system that is most vulnerable, weakened by something. Of course, benign neoplasms also occur. But they, unfortunately, are much less common.
A benign process, of course, is more easily tolerated by animals, and its removal entails a cat's recovery.
So what is the difference between a benign tumor?
Unlike malignant, she:
- It is concentrated in the capsule, which prevents the cancer from escaping and germinating in the neighboring organ.
- Such a process develops very slowly, which gives more time to the company of any action to eliminate the pathology.
- It does not cause pain.
Malignant tumors can be characterized as follows:
- fast growth;
- germination in neighboring organs;
- bleeding is frequent;
- very severe pain;
- in the later stages it is almost impossible to eliminate.
More common than others:
- sarcoma;
- skin cancer;
- cancer of the reproductive system and mammary glands.
Cancer Stage
A pathological neoplasm has its own staging.
There are four:
- First, initial. At this stage, a small tumor nodule arises; metastases have not yet been observed.
- Second stage. The tumor nodule continues to increase in size, most likely the size of the node is already 5-6 cm. The formation begins to grow into neighboring organs. As a result, it gives metastases to the nearest lymph nodes.
- Third stage. The tumor becomes mobile, metastases are added.
- Fourth stage. The most difficult and almost no hope of a cat's recovery. The tumor formation grows stronger and more organs are affected. As a rule, in this stage the animal expects imminent death.
What does cancer look like in cats?
The manifestations of cancer are as follows:
- "Bumps" on the body of the animal. Of course, this is not necessarily cancer, but it is worth checking out. Because just because they do not appear, any seal on the cat's body must have an explanation.
- Neoplasms. For a long time, non-healing wounds, sometimes with purulent discharge from them.
- Inexplicable discharge of pus from any part of the animal’s body.
- Offensive breath.
- A change in the behavior of the animal towards weakness, drowsiness.
- Abrupt loss of body weight.
- Intermittent claudication.
- Dyspeptic disorders.
- The spots on the skin are red or with dry scales.
- Refusal of food or eating, but very few.
- Problems with the respiratory system, genitourinary, digestive.
Cancer diagnosis
1. When there is a seal on the skin of the animal, the first thing you need to do is a biopsy. By this method is meant the removal of a small piece of tissue that is taken for microscopy of cells.
2. X-ray.
3. Ultrasound.
4. Blood and urine for analysis.
These diagnostic tests are basic. But if necessary, they can be supplemented by any else.
All studies are then needed to determine if the animal has cancer. If so, what form is it, and what is the stage.
Which cats are more likely to have cancer?
Cancer is diagnosed with many cats. But most often it still occurs in old animals.
Thoroughbreds are prone to it more than others. For example, cats with light muzzles and ears are more likely to be affected by squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
Is it possible to prevent cancer?
Yes, it’s quite possible to prevent some forms. If you keep the animal only indoors, then you will protect it from skin cancer.
Breast cancer is in third place among other forms. And it can also be prevented by sterilizing the cat before it matures.
The types of treatment vary depending on the type and stage of cancer.
These include:
- Surgical methods;
- Chemotherapy
- Beam therapy;
- Immunotherapy.
Sometimes you have to combine several options at once. The success of treatment will also depend on the type and stage of cancer, as well as the immunity of the animal. Therefore, the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more likely it is to cope with it.
Cancer in a cat. Last stage
A photo of an animal at this stage of the disease causes nothing but pity and a great desire to help him. True, during this period it is hardly possible to somehow fix something.
It all depends on the owner of the animal. Most people with the last form of cancer stop treating them and put them to sleep. Although often this decision is premature. After all, you can try your luck with another method, you just need to talk to the veterinarian about this, consult with him. And then, perhaps, it will be possible to do something.
No matter how you decide to do it, try to be with him until the last days of the animal’s life, love him as you did before. After all, animals, like people, and diseases are the same.
After all, you will not, for example, euthanize your elderly relative? So the cat is a full member of the family. So try to give her all your love in the last days of her life.
Some types of cancer are completely curable, others are not, but you can try to help the animal (alleviating suffering, etc.). Therefore, do not be afraid to try new ways. This will not make the pet worse, but it can do better.
When should I go to the vet?
As soon as at least one of the aforementioned symptoms is detected. Procrastination threatens death to the animal.
How long will a cat with cancer live? The answer to this question is extremely difficult. Since it all depends on many factors. But on average, cats can live with cancer for about 4 years.
It is very difficult to prevent the occurrence of cancer, but there is still a small opportunity for this. It consists in observing all the rules of the normal life of the animal, as well as timely vaccinations.
It is important to undergo a full examination with the animal periodically. Then you can timely recognize the beginning of the pathological process and take the necessary actions with the doctor to cure the cat. If your pet is sterilized before puberty, it will help to avoid breast and uterine cancer in the future. Of course, if you own a rare breed animal, then sterilization is unlikely to be done, since most of these species are kept for breeding.
Another option to protect the animal from cancer of the reproductive organs is not to get involved in taking hormones for contraception. Since they often give impetus to the development of the pathological process.
Now you know what cancer represents in a cat, what symptoms it has. Watch your pets and any manifestations of the disease closely. And then everything will be fine.