Decayed teeth in a child: causes, treatment, what to do

How much joy can be seen in the eyes of parents when teething teeth in a child! But sometimes it is clouded by the fact that they begin to turn yellow or even blacken, collapse and, in the end, crumble. Some parents do not attach any importance to this, because these are milk teeth, and they will soon fall out anyway. Others start to panic. Of course, rotten teeth in a child are a serious problem, which concerns not only the oral cavity, but also the whole organism.

Teeth erupt in a child

At the same time, there is no need to panic, but informed decisions should be made. It is worth noting that all the organs of the human body are in close interconnection with each other. In this case, the development of dental diseases can lead to serious disruption of the work not only of the digestive system, but also of the heart, musculoskeletal system. In certain circumstances, due to tooth decay, a rather severe case may occur - endocarditis.

What could be the reason?

Loving parents will always care about the health of their child, including dental problems. In some cases, the cause may lie inside the body - the presence of gastrointestinal diseases in the chronic stage, liver disease or pathology of the endocrine system. Those children who were born ahead of schedule also have a risk of having problems with their teeth, since the enamel of the tooth rudiments is still underdeveloped.

In addition, the cause of decayed teeth in children can be covered in streptococci, which affect the deep bone tissue, thereby causing retrograde caries. This is a rather dangerous disease due to the fact that, as it progresses, it spreads to the soft tissues, due to which undesirable consequences appear.

The insidiousness of caries is that complications can concern the ears (otitis media), the nose (runny nose, sinusitis) of the gastrointestinal tract (indigestion). In turn, this can threaten the development of rather serious complications like abscess, meningitis, thrombophlebitis, sepsis. For this reason, if a child shows signs of caries, the disease must be treated, and not let everything go by its own accord.

Mechanical reasons

We are talking about damage to the enamel, which can be caused by a purely mechanical way or exhaustion. This problem may be inherited from parents or immediate relatives. In addition, one should not exclude the influence of external factors, which include the environmental situation, the mental state of the child.

Why does a child have rotten teeth

It is worth considering that the cause of decayed teeth in children can be the negligent attitude of some expectant mothers to pregnancy: even being in a position, they cannot abandon bad habits: alcohol, cigarettes. And this, as you know, negatively affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. Of course, completely abandoning this is very difficult, but for the period of pregnancy is to refrain. Moreover, we all know about the dangers of smoking and alcohol, but not everyone thinks about the consequences.

Poor hygiene

While the child is still very young, the main thing is to instill in him the habit of conducting daily oral hygiene. Moreover, adults also should not ignore this procedure, because they give an example to their children. And therefore it is worth approaching the matter with all responsibility. Moms and dads need to teach the child to hold the toothbrush correctly, show how much paste to squeeze out, and introduce what movements need to be made. But if the child for some reason evades these daily procedures, then one should not be surprised why the child has decayed teeth - the reason is already clear.

Plaque accumulates for about 12 hours and sometimes in the most inaccessible place: tooth gaps, distant elements and other surfaces. In this regard, the procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a day. Otherwise, the activity of microorganisms caught in a favorable environment leads to their active reproduction. And from the remnants of the products of the vital activity of bacteria, tooth decay just occurs.

The main cause of caries in children

Mineral imbalance

Due to the imbalance of the mineral balance, the teeth also begin to deteriorate. And if the reason is precisely this, then children should be taken to a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment using vitamins and specific products in a timely manner, which helps restore mineral balance. Often this problem is observed in premature babies.

Why does the child have rotten teeth? Here it should also be taken into account that the composition of saliva is of great importance. If there is a lack of enzymes in its composition that contribute to the neutralization of acids and alkalis, then the child's teeth are vulnerable to decay.

Close contact

Paradoxical as it may seem, the adults themselves are guilty of the fact that the child begins to have problems with his teeth. Some mothers, feeding their baby with a spoon, first lick it. Thus, without knowing it, they transfer their bacteria to the oral cavity of the baby or baby, and in large quantities. This can happen with kisses. Bacterial transmission can occur when children and everyone else use the same utensils.

Symptomatology problems

What is characteristic, the process of decay of children's teeth develops from the very moment they begin to erupt. Whether this was due to the influence of external factors or was the genetic predisposition to blame, in any case, it is necessary to show your child to a children's specialist in a timely manner. It should be borne in mind that in children caries develops faster than in adults. Therefore, the causes and treatment of decayed teeth in a child deserve close attention and should always be in the first place.

The option is not excluded when, even at the age of one and a half years, circular caries will appear. With this form of the disease, a carious ring appears, which encircles the entire tooth. If the case is started, then the tooth may break off along the edge of this ring.

As a rule, the development of dental pathology includes several stages, depending on the form of the disease:

  • Initial - the enamel surface begins to become covered with spots of different sizes and white shades. For this reason, they are not noticeable. In this case, the child does not yet feel pain. Nevertheless, you should immediately contact your pediatric dentist if you find these signs.
  • Superficial - at this stage, only enamel is affected so far, which may already be noticeable, as white spots begin to darken. If you use acidic, salty, sweet foods, pain appears. In this case, you must immediately make an appointment with a pediatric dentist.
  • Medium - here the lesion affects already the internal tissues of the tooth - dentin (do not bring to a serious condition - hardly anyone will like photos of decayed teeth in children). In addition to pain from products with a pronounced taste, there is a high sensitivity to cold and hot.
  • Deep - in this case, most of the dentin is affected. If you ignore the treatment, the risk of a milk tooth cyst increases. In the future, there may be much more serious consequences.

In addition, there is a constant companion - the appearance of bad breath. This is due to the process of rotting food particles, which are affected by carious microorganisms.

Treatment of pediatric dental diseases

If caries are detected in a child, even if it is a mild case, it is worth immediately showing it to a pediatric dentist. No need to think that everything will go away by itself after the loss of milk teeth. Any specialist will say that it is better not to start caries, but to eliminate it in a timely manner, otherwise the consequences can not be avoided.

Only a pediatrician can figure out the causes of the resulting problem, as well as prescribe the appropriate treatment. For this reason, do not refuse to consult a specialist. Judged by many photos of decayed teeth in children, this sight is not the most pleasant.

Common oral problem

If the process of decay proceeds against the background of accumulation of purulent mass in the gum tissue, then it is first necessary to get rid of it. Then, depending on the condition of the young patient, this or that therapy is prescribed:

  • conservative;
  • surgical

With conservative treatment, caries is treated with drilling, expansion of channels, removal of a nerve. Subsequently, the enamel is sealed to avoid re-infection. In this case, it is important to completely clean the tooth cavity from infection, and only then close the hole in the tooth.

If this is necessary, the dentist removes the accumulation of pus, after which he usually prescribes the use of antiseptics and antibacterial drugs. In the case when it is impossible to remove pus through medication, the gum is cut.

Surgical treatment of decayed teeth in a child is resorted to if the conservative method is ineffective. Often a significant cause is the purulent process of the root top. To do this, a resection of the upper part of the tooth root is carried out using a drill. The top of the root is removed and then purulent masses scrape out of the gums. A contraindication to this procedure is the course of the inflammatory process in acute form.

One and a half year old children

A child at such a young age still does not understand the importance of maintaining a healthy oral cavity. Many parents experience serious difficulties in explaining to their child why it is necessary to go to some uncle in a white coat and endure his manipulations in their mouth.

Nevertheless, it is in their power to prepare the child psychologically for a visit to the dental clinic. You can arrange it as a game, because any child likes it. Rotten teeth in a child at an early age is a serious problem that requires a responsible approach by parents. It is worth telling him that you are going to the good doctor Aibolit (who doesn’t know him ?!), who will see how small teeth grow. You must also tell him that mom and dad will always be there.

Children are afraid of dentists

Treatment options may include the following:

  • Remineralization - the procedure is relevant when only tooth enamel is affected. Its surface is strengthened by a special mineral composition.
  • Silvering - this technique does not completely eliminate the problem, but it stops the development of a dental disease. In this regard, it is indicated only with superficial damage to the tooth, as well as when the child does not give a seal. The procedure is carried out using a solution of silver nitrate.
  • Deep fluoridation is a procedure in which hard dental tissues are saturated with mineral compounds with fluoride compounds.
  • Laser therapy is a modern method of treating black decayed teeth in children using a laser.
  • Depophoresis - the procedure is indicated when dentin tissue is affected. Root canals are treated with copper-calcium hydroxide. But since the technique involves the use of local anesthesia, it is not applied to very young children.
  • Ozonation - this technique is also used for mild damage to dental tissue. The result of the procedure is the destruction of all pathogens, as a result of which the further process of tooth decay stops. Efficiency is almost equal to 100%.

Children's dentists should be some kind of psychologists and act carefully and subtly. For very young patients, the main thing is to provide painless treatment.

At the same time, as you know, children rarely sit quietly, sometimes they feel fear in an unfamiliar environment. The child can scream and break out. In this case, it is unlikely to be able to conduct treatment properly.

Older children

Many parents face such a problem as decayed teeth in children. What to do? And if there are certain difficulties with very young children, then with a slightly matured child it is much easier, since they already fully understand the need to visit a dentist. Therefore, interaction with a specialist is more harmonious: they fulfill all his requests. In addition, it is easier for parents to explain to the child why all these manipulations are necessary.

Parental support

At the same time, this does not negate the fact that children aged 2 or 3 years can not be prepared for a visit to the dentist. This is necessary so that the child behaves calmly during the examination. To do this, you can follow simple recommendations:

  • You should not make any special triumph out of this.
  • You should not tell the child that the doctor will not do anything, otherwise he will feel cheated. This is especially true in cases where you need to use a drill against black decayed teeth in children. It is better to say right away that the doctor will look at the teeth, if necessary, clean or conduct treatment.
  • When you first visit the dental clinic, you don’t need to convince the children that they will not be scared or hurt - they still don’t know what they should be afraid of. Such conversations will immediately alarm him.
  • It is worth telling your child that it is important to have healthy teeth, and then they will not hurt.

Since older children are ready to cooperate with a doctor, other methods are used during treatment:

  • ART technique.
  • Technology Icon (Ikon).
  • Preparation.

With the ART-method, the affected areas of tissues are cleaned with special tools. To begin with, the tooth cavity is treated with antiseptic agents, after which a mixture containing the necessary substances that contribute to the dissolution of diseased tissues is poured there. As you can understand, the treatment of decayed teeth in young children is carried out without the use of a drill.

Icon technology is becoming more popular. Its effectiveness depends on the stage of the disease, and the sooner the better. A mixture of gel and acid is used to treat affected tissues, then a polymer or a kind of liquid filling is used, which hardens under the influence of light from a special lamp. This method is indicated for children 3 years or older. Anesthesia is not required here, and treatment is carried out in one session.

Dissection can scare the child for obvious reasons - a drill. It is indicated in cases where a severe form of caries develops. The cavity of the affected tooth is opened, pus is removed, a calcium solution is placed, and everything is closed with a filling on top.

Once again about the consequences

As mentioned above, rotten teeth in children from sweets or due to the influence of other factors when ignoring treatment can lead to serious consequences. Let us dwell on this in a little more detail.

As you know, tooth decay among adults and children sooner or later leads to pain. And each of us knows perfectly well how intense these feelings are. And for a child, this is still a great torment, even if in adults sometimes tears well up.

Do not ignore dental treatment!

Teeth affected by caries lead not only to digestive problems, children may lose their appetite, decrease activity and worsen their general condition. In no case should you think that tooth decay is an isolated process that will not affect other organs. The fact is that the human body is a single whole, where everything is closely interconnected with each other.

Why are rotten teeth in a child? What to do in this case? Similar questions swirl in the heads of moms and dads. And this is no accident, because there is cause for concern.

Due to the high activity of pathogens in the bloodstream, they can reach the heart, which usually leads to disruption of its work. And, as was noted, the musculoskeletal system also falls into the risk zone. In relation to children, a violation of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system is especially critical, as their bone tissue continues to form and grow. Now let’s summarize where we include everything that was said before. The consequences of decaying teeth are not entirely comforting:

  • The work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, and after all, none of the parents would wish such a fate to their child.
  • The development of bone tissue also does not occur as it should be. In adults, this generally causes arthrosis, polyarthritis and other similar diseases.
  • The work of the digestive tract is also at risk due to the spread of infection with saliva.
  • With decayed teeth, the risk of brain damage is not excluded.
  • Often this causes headaches and loss of appetite.

With regard to decayed teeth in a child, the advice of dentists suggests that pathology must be treated in a timely manner, since microbes can easily enter the bloodstream, and then not only internal organs are at risk. Vision, hearing, skin condition - all this is affected by the pathological process coming from the teeth.

Dental Clinic Selection

The specialization of dentists working with children is fundamentally different from the same specialists who treat adult patients. Moreover, the latter may not even be aware of the treatment methods used by pediatric doctors. Currently, there are dental clinics that treat mainly young patients. Their rooms are even decorated in an appropriate style so that the child well tolerates a visit to the doctor.

The child is 3 years old, and his teeth are already rotten - such a problem is not so rare. And here the main thing is which approach is used. Children's specialists, as a rule, work with each patient according to a strictly individual scheme. The choice of a particular treatment method depends largely on the age of the children, the state of their oral cavity. It also takes into account how calm the child can sit quietly during the examination and for how long. Not every specialist will agree to work with a young patient who cannot sit comfortably in a chair. How can treatment be carried out in this case, especially using local anesthesia, not to mention a drill?

The main thing is an individual approach

In most cases, specialists try to use a drill only as a last resort, so as not to injure the psyche of small patients once again. The doctor will postpone this procedure, trying to do with the use of mineral solutions and other treatment methods. As for the drill itself, it is connected with the development of pulpitis.

In addition, specialists try to preserve erupted elements and remove rotten teeth in a child, also in the most extreme case, when this is the only need. This is due to the fact that when a child says goodbye to a milk tooth, his bite may subsequently change.

Finding a professional specialist even in our time, when all the possibilities seemed to exist, is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Parents should approach the choice of children's dentist with all responsibility, because the health of their child depends on this. And it has no price! You can ask if clinics for adult patients have doctors who can treat rotten front teeth in a child.

For all children, a visit to such a doctor is akin to stress, because psychologically they are more difficult to set up. Needless to say, if some adults shy away from such establishments. Maybe you're lucky, and you can count on the advice of other parents.

Preventive actions

As many experts (not only dentists) note, diseases are easier to prevent than to deal with treatment later. And here all responsibility lies mainly with the parents.

Young sweet tooth

And if in the future they want to avoid the appearance of decayed teeth in a child, they need to adhere to elementary and simple rules of prevention:

  • Oral hygiene should be started as soon as the first teeth appear. In 6-month-old babies, you can begin to clean the incisors after each meal. For this, a special finger pad made of silicone is suitable.
  • From an early age, you should teach your child to brush his own teeth, which develops independence in him.
  • Toothbrush and other necessary accessories must be selected in accordance with the age of the baby. As for the paste, there are special children's tubes on sale, you need to purchase them. In this case, the risk of poisoning by the composition for adults is excluded.
  • Properly think through the diet of the child, it should have as few foods rich in carbohydrates as possible. A balanced diet is just carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins.
  • Visit the dental clinic regularly (visit frequency is once every 6 months).

Do not forget that children always take an example from their parents, and therefore adults need to observe daily hygiene themselves. All this will allow, instead of decaying teeth, the child to see his healthy smile. What could be the best reward for loving parents ?!

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