Among the other breeds of dogs, perhaps the fastest are hunting. Helping the owner in search of game, pets are forced to develop frantic speed. In order for the pet to fulfill its official duties in a quality manner, professional training of hunting dogs is necessary. Only by properly raising a dog, you can get a faithful assistant and friend.
Brief Information about Dog Breeds
Today there is no single concept on the classification of dog breeds. Many cynological clubs try to systematize the varieties of four-legged pets, but only three of them have won worldwide recognition.
According to the International Cynological Federation, all dog breeds can be divided into:
- Cattle dogs and cattle breeds.
- Swiss cattle breed is on a par with pinschers, schnauzers and mountain dogs.
- Terriers act as a separate category.
- Spitz and breed primitive type are in the same line of pets.
- Hounds and their related breeds.
- Pointing dogs.
- Water dogs, as well as spaniels and retrievers.
- Decorative dogs and companion dogs.
- A separate row is represented by greyhounds.
According to the concept of the Kennel Club (English Dog Club), there are 7 large groups of dogs:
- Hunting breeds (along with hounds and greyhounds).
- Dog dogs
- Varieties of terriers.
- Useful breeds.
- Service dogs.
- Indoor and decorative breeds.
- Shepherd dogs.
The third authoritative breed classifier is the American Kennel Club. The American classification system is slightly different from the English and includes the following breeds:
- Hunting gun dogs.
- Actually hunting (greyhounds, cops).
- Service dogs.
- Varieties of terriers.
- Indoor and decorative dogs.
- Non-hunting breeds.
- Shepherd dogs.
Hunting dogs: breed description
Among a wide variety of dogs, a separate group stands out which is intended for catching wild and burrowing animals, as well as game birds.
The canine squad includes more than fifty representatives of hunting breeds. This category of pets was highlighted due to their intended purpose. Most breeds appeared in Western Europe - England, France, Germany.
It is well known that all representatives of hunting dogs have a very well-developed sense of smell. This quality allows pets to accurately trace the beast and easily find shot game.
In addition to an excellent scent, hunting dogs are extremely hardy in terms of running. They can drive the game for a long time, winding after it through the forest. When training hunting dogs, it is important to make sure that such physical activities are available to the pet. It is recommended that you consult your veterinarian for the correct distribution of your workouts.
Hunting dogs, like all the rest of their relatives, are extremely attached to their master. Having brought the next trophy, they faithfully look into the eyes of the owner in anticipation of praise. Therefore, after each correct toe of the game, it is recommended to encourage the pet.
Hunting dogs require hard training, proper training and long walks in the fresh air. They are quite difficult to tolerate the closed space of a city apartment. Most of all they like to run through the forest and hunt for prey.
Varieties of hunting breeds
There are several groups of dogs designed to assist in hunting. These include:
- Greyhound dogs.
- Hounds dogs.
- Pointing dogs.
- Retriever
- Likes.
- Spaniels
- Different types of terriers.
Keeping Hunting Dogs
For pets of this species it is very important to be able to walk for a long time. To be healthy and fun, the dog must actively move in the fresh air all the time. Therefore, it is better not to start such a breed at home.
It is important that the dog can exercise its hunting skills. As a result of this, it is advisable to purchase such a pet for game prey lovers.
The training of dogs of hunting breeds categorically does not recommend keeping the tetrapods on a leash, and also use it as guard or guard dogs. When starting a pet, it is important to clearly be aware of the direct purpose of the animal.
Keeping hunting dogs in country houses requires a comfortable and warm booth or a spacious enclosure. If the pet has to live in an apartment, he needs to allocate an individual place. The dog will rest on the bed, so you should take care of a comfortable sleeping place. As a convenient mattress, a stuffed mattress, a thick rug or a mat laid on a wooden frame can act. It is important that the size of the bed is slightly larger than the dog itself. The bed of the pet must be kept clean, periodically shaking and airing it.
Breed care
Caring for wool, ears and eyes is the responsibility of the breeder of hunting breeds. After all, these organs are not only a decorative ornament of a dog. The function of the coat, ears and eyes is the quality of the pet's skills. In addition, the safety of the animal itself depends on the state of the organs.
Especially carefully you need to monitor the diet of hunting dogs. They can not be overfed. It is recommended to feed adults twice a day, and give a treat only as an encouragement on the training and training of hunting dogs. In the process of feeding the pet should receive all the vital vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances that contribute to the accumulation of energy.
Features of the training of hunting dogs: general principles
The behavior of the pet directly depends on how seriously the owner approached the issues of education. This becomes especially important for hunters, where unquestioning obedience and command execution are required. After all, such a dog is not only a friend, but also a loyal assistant for his master.
In the recommendations of G. Oberlander "Training and training of hunting dogs" outlines the general principles of the initial training of such pets.
The first steps in education need to be taken when the dog is several months old. The kid must learn the commands “Come to me!”, “Near!”, “Place!” After each correctly completed assignment, it is recommended that the puppy be encouraged with praise and goodies. So training will be more effective. Commands should be given in a calm, even voice, reinforcing them with some kind of gesture. For example, a hand raised at the torso level means “Sit”, lowered down - “Lie down”, patting on the thigh - “To me”, etc.
Important commands are "Fu!", "Not." It is easy to pick up prey from a dog that has mastered these skills.
It is possible to conduct initial training of hunting dogs at home. But subsequent training and coaching should be done outdoors.
Features of the training of greyhound puppies
The most "bloodless", perhaps, are the dogs of this breed. They are designed to drive the game to the utmost exhaustion of the latter, or until the moment when the owner shoots it. The homeland of the greyhounds is considered to be Arabia. Over time, greyhounds came to Ancient Egypt and became the favorite dogs of the pharaohs. The breed was brought to Europe by the Crusaders. Greyhounds are distinguished by their graceful body and long legs. And they differ from other hunting breeds in that they have a wide field of view, which allows pets to hunt "blindly."
They are hunted with greyhounds mainly in open spaces, for example, in the steppes. The main prey for dogs are hares and foxes. For training, you need to choose the most convenient place to practice the greyhound's main trick - the jump.
The dog must be accustomed to offering game. You need to start with light sticks, balls. More serious training takes place with the use of carcasses of hares. It is advisable to conduct training starting from the age of three months of a puppy and until he reaches 8-9 months. It is during this period that the dog is most susceptible to training.
When overtaking the beast, the greyhound should give a voice. This also needs to be taught to the pet. Training of all hunting dogs is called an engagement. After several such trainings, you can take the greyhound to the first test.
Hunting Hounds Training Methods
Hound dogs (unlike greyhounds) can look different. Bright representatives of this hunting class are basset, beagle, bloodhound. The size of the hounds ranges from medium to large sizes, but all of them are united by a powerful chest. The duty of this subspecies of hunting dogs is to drive the prey to its complete exhaustion.
It is advisable to train dogs of this breed in the fall, starting at the age of ten months. Walking through the woods and the first acquaintance with the smell of game is recommended to be carried out in a playful way. However, one should not forget about the commands that the dog should learn. From time to time, the owner must reassure the pet, reassure him so that the upcoming hunt does not come down to finding the owner, and not prey. Having found the beast, the hound, like a greyhound, begins to drive him with a loud bark. In the event of a loss of track, you need to help the dog find him again and continue his business. Thus, the skill of search and mining race is formed.
Pointing Training
Pointing breeds were bred for hunting game birds. Having found birds, they freeze in a peculiar stance, letting the owner thus understand the proximity of prey. Pointing dogs come from ancient hunting dogs of Western and Southern Europe. This group includes the breeds Setter, Drathaar, Kurzthaar and others.
Training of cops begins at the age of 7-8 months. Training of hunting dogs (drathaar, setter, etc.) should take place in the field. One skill is trained at a time - flair, search, and so on.
The search skill must be developed in the field in a large open area, always upwind. In the learning process, you need to use the whistle of the hunter and constantly change location.
It is recommended to do coaching using a whistle, a strict collar (parfors), a rope, a simple collar and a leash. As a trophy in training, both bird carcasses and game models are used.
Principles of special training for hunting dogs of burrows
These varieties of dogs include terriers and dachshunds. Their engraving begins at the age of six months. Perhaps the main feature of the character of burrows is aggressiveness to game.
When training, rats placed in a cage act as game. First, the pet barks the prey, and then strangles it. After some time, the cage needs to be covered so that the dachshund or terrier learns to hunt in the dark. Other burrowing animals (foxes, muskrats) can also be used as an engraving.
Retriever Training
This breed is one of the types of hunting breeds that are used for the extraction of waterfowl. The main task of the retriever is to find and bring to the owner a shot bird, without damaging it.
When training and training a hunting dog, the retriever needs to raise the following qualities in the pet:
- Patience and calm, because the pet must wait for the command to bring the black game.
- Mindfulness.
- Stamina, good physical fitness.
- An understanding of the host team at a glance, the willingness to always help its owner in an exciting hobby.
These dogs need to be trained to feel comfortable in a large pond.
Nataska spaniels
This breed was bred specifically for hunting waterfowl. On the paws of pets, between the fingers are special membranes, which in water turn into small flippers, so spaniels swim easier than other breeds. In addition to this feature, these dogs have such a sharp sense of smell that they are often used in other areas. For example, spaniels are looking for drugs or checking the cargo in search of prohibited items. Like hunters, pets are impeccable. But because of their beauty, they are increasingly being used as decorative pets.
Training and training of hunting dogs of the spaniel breed consists in gradually accustoming the pet to look for shot game in water bodies. Also, the dog should drive feathered from the dense thickets of reeds. Finding and serving the game is the main responsibility of the spaniel.
It is recommended to start training in the field from the age of five months. When the bird takes off, the spaniel must remain in place until the shot. The dog must bring prey after the command "Give!". It is necessary to teach the pet to be careful what it holds in its teeth.
Huskies training
These are dogs that live mainly in the northern parts of Europe, Asia and America. They help people hunt bear, fur animals, ungulates and waterfowl. Huskies are universal dogs.
The first training should occur at the age of six months. Until then, all initial commands should be learned and executed automatically. Where in Moscow the training of hunting dogs huskies can take place? There are a lot of places - in the woods of the Moscow Region, on ponds, in the fields. Periodically, you need to move away from the pet for long distances so that it develops independence. It is common for dogs of this breed to drive game to the owner. The pet scares the bird and brings it to the hunter.
In conclusion, we inform that in the Moscow region in the village of Isakovo there is a school for training hunting dogs. It is located on Lugovaya street, house 5A. In addition to teaching dogs the skills necessary for hunting, in this institution are engaged in breeding and sale of puppies.