How to choose a water filter: basic tips

Often people think about how to choose a water filter, because this is a very serious moment. The water we drink, which we cook on, is very important. What are the main criteria for choosing a water filter?

As you know, a person consumes about two or three liters of water per day, whether it is mineral water, ordinary water, juice, tea or coffee. Accordingly, about 100 liters of water are consumed per month.

how to choose a water filter

Consider the main types of filters.

drinking water treatment system

  1. Filters - “jugs”. This type is well suited for a family of one or two people. The filter is quite cheap in price, portable, compact. The cartridge for these models is designed for approximately 300 liters of water, so it must be replaced every 2-3 months. The most popular brands of pitcher filters are Barrier and Aquaphor.
  2. Filter in the form of nozzles on the crane. This species is usually not very expensive. It needs to be put on the crane at that moment when filtration is necessary. There is a filter approximately, like a “pitcher”, but it lasts longer. Popular models are "Aquaphor Topaz" and "COOLMART".
  3. Filter in the form of desktop filtering systems. They are enough for about 1,500 liters. This view is suitable for a family of three to four people. The drinking water purification system either connects to the tap when it needs to be filtered, or hangs there constantly and turns on when needed. Brands of such filters: Neptune, Geyser, OLYMPUS and others.
  4. The fourth type of filter is a two / three- body water purification system . These filters have a fairly large resource, although the cost is above average. Filtration takes place at a fairly high speed. Water purification is multistage. It is possible to connect "under the sink" with the withdrawal of a separate tap. This type of filter will satisfy the needs of every customer, this applies to both resources and water quality. Brands of filters: "Aquafilter", "Geyser", "Aquaphor Trio" and others.
  5. The last type of filter is a system based on osmosis and ultrafilters. Such systems will purify water by almost 99%. This filter can be considered "heavy artillery" among other cleaning systems. The system itself is quite expensive, but consumables are quite cheap, therefore, given the large resource, it is quite acceptable. Stamps: Prestige, Geyser and others.

So we examined all the main types of filters. Of course, the last, final decision is left to every buyer. You can buy a filter both in a regular store and in an online store. The main thing is to understand how to choose a water filter.

water softener filter

Consider a few more nuances for choosing a filter. Almost all of them remove chlorine, which is contained in city water. Look at your kettle from the inside. If it turned out that its walls are in scale, and a colored film appears in the cup, then you need to choose a filter to soften the water, more precisely, with the function of softening the water. In such a system, there are fillers that contribute to the removal of magnesium and calcium salts.

Try another experiment. Pour into a glass of water and leave it for a couple of days. If a green precipitate appears in a glass, then there are too many living organisms in the water. In this case, a filter with silver additives or special bactericidal additives will be required. In this case, the water is disinfected, and all microorganisms are destroyed.

water filter

In the summer, if you like to leave water in the refrigerator, try to avoid plastic dishes. Choose glass, clay, enameled or stainless.

Well, of course, do not forget that you need to change the cartridges on time. Only a timely change will guarantee good filter performance.

Now you know something about how to choose a water filter.

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