How to make crosswords in Word: the simplest method and instruction

Many of us like to spend time solving various kinds of puzzles, crosswords, crosswords or other puzzles. Let's see how to compose crosswords in Word, because you can create them yourself. What is most interesting, it does not take too much time. Most of it will be spent on inventing questions and tasks.

How to write crosswords in Word: general principles

So far, we will not touch on that stage of compiling crosswords, which is connected precisely with inventing questions. Let us dwell purely on the graphic component.

how to make crosswords in word

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draw a crossword in word do a crossword

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how to make a crossword puzzle in Word

, . . , . , Ctrl + A (« »). , : «» «».

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how to make a crossword puzzle in Word

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how to make crosswords in word

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draw a crossword in word do a crossword

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, « Word?» . . - , . , Ctrl + End. , .

, , Word . . . , , ( ), , .

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