Acute or chronic gastritis is diagnosed worldwide by about 80% of the working population, with age this figure increases even more. The period of bearing a child does not apply to painful conditions; rather, on the contrary, pregnancy is a sign of good female health. But what if an exacerbation of gastritis occurred during pregnancy? After all, the usual drug treatment may be contraindicated. How to alleviate the condition and not harm the child? Let's take a closer look at the situation.
The diagnosis of gastritis
Gastritis - this name has a disease caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can have acute and chronic forms, manifests itself in different ways with high and low acidity. This disease is not considered serious, but if you do not pay attention to the symptoms and eliminate the causes, then simple gastritis can lead to peptic ulcer and even tumors. Gastritis during pregnancy is exacerbated for the simple reason that such a woman’s condition is stress for all systems of her body, they must work with a double load and therefore become more sensitive to all negative influences.
Symptoms of Chronic Gastritis
Gastritis during pregnancy is difficult to diagnose by symptoms, especially in its chronic form. The fact is that some of its symptoms are similar to manifestations of toxicosis of the first trimester. Disease of the stomach, in turn, increases toxicosis and negatively affects the well-being of the expectant mother. In a chronic form, gastritis is manifested by slight relaxation of the stool, flatulence, heartburn, fatigue, increased excitability and frequent overwork from small physical exertion. It is important to recognize gastritis in pregnancy on time. Treatment started on time will help to avoid many problems.
Symptoms of acute gastritis
An attack of acute gastritis begins with discomfort and pain in the stomach, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, general weakness, and fever. Dizziness is possible. The pains are spastic in nature. The color of the tongue changes, usually in this case it is covered with a yellowish or gray-white coating.
Symptoms with increased and low acidity are of a different nature. With an increased content of acid, gastritis during pregnancy shows symptoms of heartburn, especially after eating acidic or sweet foods; belching and frequent stool disorders; stomach pains appear on an empty stomach and often disappear after eating. For gastritis with low acidity, a characteristic manifestation is bad breath, belching with the smell of a rotten egg, heaviness and rumbling in the stomach, and nausea in the morning.
Causes of Gastritis
- Bacterium. Previously, doctors considered malnutrition as the main cause of the disease, but after the publication of research by scientists, it was recognized that most often gastritis is caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. This discovery was made relatively recently, in 2005, and was awarded the Nobel Prize.
- Food. Overeating, frequent consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods, lack of vitamins.
- Bad habits. Alcohol in large quantities leads to disruption of the acid-base balance, and nicotine also has a similar effect.
- Chemicals. The development of gastritis can lead to the uncontrolled use of certain drugs, abuse of products containing harmful chemicals, excessive air pollution with industrial and transport waste.
- The reasons are psychological in nature. The effect on the normal functioning of the stomach is exerted by frequent neurosis, stress, and depression.
- Internal problems. Genetic tendency to damage the mucous membrane, pathology in the structure of organs. Duodenal reflux is the so-called rare phenomenon when bile from the duodenum enters the stomach, while irritating its walls.
- Helminthic infestations.
Why does gastritis occur during pregnancy
To successfully treat the disease, you need to know its cause. The well-being of the expectant mother depends on her health before pregnancy. Why is a woman called the "weaker sex"? Physical power is not meant at all. The health status of a girl, woman from birth is directly related to her reproductive function and the further state of pregnancy. It happens that problems with the digestive tract appear in absolutely healthy women precisely in the period of expectation of the child. Gastritis of the stomach during pregnancy may appear as a result of hormonal disorders. Reconstruction of the endocrine system of the expectant mother, a lack of iron and other vitamins and minerals can also lead to this. The fact that during pregnancy chronic “sleeping” gastritis manifests itself in an acute form is often caused by a change in diet: women often lose their appetite, or, conversely, hunger increases, and the absorption of large amounts of food begins.
Diagnosis of the disease
Suspected gastritis during pregnancy? What to do? Be sure to go to the doctor! Since the symptoms of gastritis are very similar to the symptoms of other diseases, you cannot make a diagnosis on your own. The expectant mother must voice her unpleasant feelings to her doctor, and he will direct him for further examination, if necessary. At the reception, the specialist performs palpation - this helps to determine the place of painful sensations, suspected inflammation. Gastritis is diagnosed during pregnancy primarily through laboratory tests: a biochemical analysis of blood, urine and feces. If these initial tests do not give a complete picture of the disease, a sounding and ultrasound examination are prescribed.
Ultrasound allows you to examine all the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Probing makes it possible to obtain a sample of gastric juice for study.
The most accurate representation of the state of the lining of the stomach is given by endoscopic examination using a camera lowered into the cavity. This diagnostic method, like sensing, refers to unpleasant procedures, so doctors try to use it only in case of emergency, when in another way it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis.
Maternity Diet
So that gastritis during pregnancy does not cause unpleasant additional ailments, first of all a woman is prescribed a special diet. This rule applies to those for whom this disease has taken a chronic form, and those whom it does not bother: you already know that during the period of gestation, the factors contributing to the onset of gastritis double. Proper and wholesome nutrition is the main thing for excellent health.
The main dietary requirements recommended by doctors during the period when gastritis worsened during pregnancy are as follows:
- meals in fractional portions at least 5-6 times a day;
- spicy, smoked and fried foods are prohibited;
- salt, sugar, jam, pastries - are limited;
- mineral waters of the Borjomi type are useful, provided that the woman has no edema.
The basis of the diet should be dairy and sour-milk products, cereals, mashed non-acidic vegetables and fruits, compotes and jelly. Low-fat meats and fish are best steamed or boiled. You can eat steam omelettes, eggs, steam cutlets and meatballs. Allowed butter, vegetable dishes, non-acidic soft fruits. Of the drinks, a rosehip broth is useful, but coffee and strong tea should be discarded.
After stabilization, you can enter the menu potatoes, pasta, weak and non-greasy broths.
A special diet is useful for all pregnant women, without exception, not only during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
We will treat!
Gastritis is a disease that many suffer, and many drugs have been developed. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that drugs that are usually prescribed are not suitable for pregnant women. Chronic gastritis during pregnancy does not begin to be treated. To do this, first of all, you need to destroy the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Antibiotics, which are mandatory for this, are harmful to the fetus and are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Antimicrobial "Metronidazole" can not be used in the first trimester, in other periods only as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.
In acute gastritis and exacerbation of chronic, pregnant women are prescribed drugs that protect the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and alleviate the condition of the woman. For this purpose, apply "Gastrofarm". No-Shpa relieves pain in the stomach, and Tserukal relieves nausea and vomiting. Reduces high acidity, relieves heartburn "Maalox" (in some cases, this drug is prescribed for low acidity).
Gastritis with low acid levels is treated with Panzinorm, Pepsidin, and Riboxin.
In addition, multivitamins and drugs that increase iron levels can be prescribed in combination with drugs.
Every woman should know the reasons and methods of treatment, but only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug according to individual indications. In no case should you self-medicate, the health of not only the mother, but also the baby is at stake.
Gastritis during pregnancy: folk treatment
No need to be skeptical of traditional medicine recipes. In the case when the medicinal chemistry is undesirable for consumption, drugs donated by nature are no less effective. Doctors often expect herbal teas and herbal teas to relieve the unpleasant sensations of gastritis. Again, a caution: not all herbal remedies for gastritis during pregnancy can be consumed. Some fees may include components that trigger bleeding and miscarriages. Therefore, when buying a pharmacy gastric collection, carefully read the annotation, there are always indicated the characteristics of the use of pregnant and lactating women.
A universal doctor for all troubles with the stomach is chamomile. Decoctions of St. John's wort, fennel, thyme, Ivan tea, parsnip, caraway seeds and dill are useful. Additional sources of vitamins are teas with the addition of rose hips and ginger. The usefulness of herbal tea increases if you drink it with honey. Just do not forget that honey at temperatures above 60 ° C loses its properties, it is better to add it to warm tea or take a bite.
Everyone familiar and popular with echinacea, ginseng, parsley, mint can be taken in small doses.
Oregano, wormwood, lovage, yarrow, tansy, barberry, nutmeg are prohibited during pregnancy - these funds can sharply stimulate uterine activity.
Folk recipe for gastritis
Oat, and not only in the form of porridge, has miraculous properties for the treatment and prevention of gastric diseases. To stabilize the state of the mucous membrane will help its decoction.
It has no contraindications, has an enveloping property, relieves heartburn.
Hercules in this case is not suitable. We need whole dried grains of oats with husk. You need to grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. Pour half a glass of the resulting powder with half a liter of water and cook for 20-30 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, strain, divide into three doses and take half an hour before meals.
How dangerous is this?
The main question that interests future mothers is: how dangerous is gastritis for a child during pregnancy? How to treat or not to treat at all, in order to avoid side effects from medications? Say right away, gastritis is not a disease that affects the development of the fetus, it is not included in the list of contraindications for pregnancy. But it is necessary to treat it, it is unequivocal. The best option is when the expectant mother in advance, even before pregnancy, will undergo a course of wellness therapy, will take as a rule a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.
But if what has already happened has happened, it’s necessary to remove the attacks of aggravated gastritis and not allow them to recur. What is dangerous gastritis? Let's summarize.
Because of it, the general condition of the woman worsens, there is a constant weakness, dizziness. The period of toxicosis lasts longer and harder.
Stomach cramps, frequent nausea and vomiting can cause uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage.
Untreated gastritis can eventually develop into a peptic ulcer and become the root cause of the formation of tumors.
It will not be possible to cure the chronic form of the disease during pregnancy due to contraindications in the use of many types of drugs, but it is necessary and possible to calm the irritation of the mucous membrane.
Herbal preparations and strict adherence to diet are the most favorable for treatment during this period.