Most people, of course, prefer to have dogs of small or medium breeds. But some pet lovers would like to become owners of some very large dog. And there is nothing surprising in this. Large dogs often cause admiration for their appearance alone and can become reliable protectors of all family members. This applies to the Hungarian kuvas. This dog breed is actually very interesting, and the representatives are large and beautiful. At the withers, kuvas dogs can reach 74 cm.
Breed history
Where these quite rare dogs were first bred for the first time, unfortunately, is not known for certain. Researchers were able to find out only that for the first time Kuvashes in the Middle Ages in the Carpathian region brought Hungarian tribes migrated there.
Subsequently, during the reign of King Matthias Corwin I, kuvas were often used as hunting dogs. The Hungarian nobility raised such puppies especially for the corral of game. Moreover, Matyash himself gave them to especially close ones. In any case, this breed in those days was considered royal. There is even a legend according to which one of these puppies was donated by Matthias to Count Dracula.
There was another interesting period in the history of this breed. For some time, Hungarian noble people started such dogs as bodyguards. In those days, ordinary peasants and poor people were even forbidden to keep kuvas in the yards.
In addition to hunting and watchdog functions, in ancient times, dogs of this breed often performed shepherds. Moreover, judging by the legends, the service was carried out regularly and they fulfilled their duties to protect the herd very well.
What do dogs look like
In life, as in the photo, dogs of the Kuvas breed, which are also often called Hungarian shepherds, often cause real delight and admiration. Not only are the dogs of this breed large in size, they also have a very harmonious physique.
The coat of Kuvas is wavy and almost always white. Its cream color is also allowed by the standards, but such dogs are quite rare. In the presence of any spots - dark, cream, red, etc. - Kuvas puppies are rejected and are not allowed for breeding.
The coat of representatives of this breed is relatively long. Moreover, at the withers it forms a clearly visible “collar” resembling a mane. Especially high is this “belt” for males.
The Kuvas body is muscular and powerful, and the silhouette is rectangular (closer to square) and very harmonious. The tail of these dogs is fluffy, but is able to rise to a maximum horizontal position at body level. The ears of the representatives of the breed are hanging triangular, not too large.
Interesting exterior features
One of the signs of the Kuvas dog breed is the presence of a large amount of pigment in the skin. The integument of such four-legged pets, despite the fact that their coat is white, is gray.
Another interesting feature of Kuvas dogs is the significant differences in the sizes of dogs and bitches. Boys, as already mentioned, can grow at the withers to 74 cm or more, and in weight reach 65 kg. Females are usually no higher than 70 cm. Their weight ranges from 35-50 kg.
What you should know about
As can already be judged by the description given above, dogs of the Kuvas breed are animals not only beautiful, but also very powerful. At the same time, unfortunately, there are a lot of legends about the rather evil temper of these dogs and their tendency to disobedience. Indeed, there are cases when these dogs behaved aggressively towards people or pets. However, experienced dog handlers, as well as fans of the breed believe that such behavior of kuvas can be explained solely by their incorrect upbringing.
In most known cases, the main culprits of the aggressive behavior of the Kuvas were their own owners, who either specially set them on other people, or simply simply mistreated them - they beat and kicked them. Of course, the owner needs to bring up such a dog correctly, paying maximum attention to his pet and taking care of him. Otherwise, the character of the kuvas can actually spoil very quickly.
Many people, unfortunately, treat these dogs, as, for example, fighting ones, with caution and prejudice. However, according to fans of this breed, kuvas are dogs completely harmless, kind and loyal. In addition, representatives of this breed are considered animals very intelligent and observant. Perhaps a cautious attitude to the Hungarian shepherd is associated, among other things, with the fact that for our country this breed can be considered quite new. To breed such puppies in the Russian Federation began very recently.
Kuvashes can be trained very easily, they are able to take the initiative and quickly guess the mood and desires of the owner. One of the characteristics of this breed is loyalty. Such dogs always protect family members and, if necessary, are even ready to die for the owners. At the same time, these dogs include not only the owners themselves and their children, but even those pets with whom they grew up with their own.
In any case, since the dogs of the Hungarian Kuvas breed belong to the guard group and are large in size, the owners of such a puppy should definitely bring him to special dog training courses. In such classes, the dog in a short time will be taught the basic rules of behavior with others.
Kuvashes are actually not particularly aggressive. They treat strangers wary-indifferently. But if it suddenly seems to such a dog that something threatens its owner, his property or family members, in the absence of appropriate training for the story, she can unpredictably herself.
An interesting feature of the character of dogs of the Kuvas breed
As you know, all canids belong to the group of twilight animals. This also applies to domestic dogs. However, dogs of most modern breeds for many centuries have adapted well to the rhythm of human life and do not cause any particular problems in this regard to their owners. Hungarian Kuvashes are an exception to this extent. In terms of the rhythm of life, they somehow managed to maintain their ancient instincts. Owners of such a dog need to be prepared for the fact that during the day she will sleep peacefully, and in the evening she will start asking to walk outside.
Start or not?
From all of the above, one simple conclusion can be drawn. To acquire such a puppy is only for people with extensive experience in keeping dogs and confident in their capabilities in terms of education. In the city of kouvas, of course, you can keep it. But it is still believed that such dogs are best suited for people living in private houses outside the city. In such conditions, the kuvas itself will feel more comfortable.
Bad weather - rain, snow, heat - these dogs tolerate very well. Therefore, in country houses they are usually kept in the yard. It is not recommended to plant on a chain of kuvas. Unlike the same Caucasian shepherd dogs, such dogs are quite freedom-loving in nature. On a chain, kuvas can simply become sick and sick. Therefore, for such a dog will most likely have to build a large spacious aviary.
If the suburban area is surrounded by a reliable fence, you can keep such a pet in the yard. But the owners of such a dog should do this only when they are completely sure that their pet will not be able to get out into the street and cause problems, for example, to a casual passerby. After all, the dog may seem like a stranger encroaches on the territory of his family.
Change of ownership of the dog breed Kuvas absolutely can not stand. Therefore, it is worthwhile to have such a pet only to those people who are absolutely sure that he will live with them in the future all his life.
Possible diseases
Of course, the owners of kuvas, among other things, should definitely monitor its health. Pets are quite active. The description of the Kuvas breeds described above already makes it possible to judge them as strong and healthy animals.
Indeed, these dogs are very lucky with the fact that they have recently received little attention from breeders. They have preserved their appearance since the Middle Ages. And even despite the fact that at the moment this breed is considered one of the rarest in the world (and therefore can be subjected to inbreeding), it is distinguished by its excellent health.
Kuvsy are very rarely ill, and in this regard, their owners usually do not cause trouble. But of course, some health problems may occur in representatives of this ancient breed.
The most common diseases of Hungarian kuvas are:
If you encounter any health problems, such a puppy should be shown to the veterinarian. It is also recommended to take Kuvas to the clinic once every six months for a routine examination.
Like dogs of any other large breed, Hungarian kuvas should be provided with proper nutrition in the first place. Such four-legged pets grow quickly and gain significant muscle mass. Accordingly, they need high-quality and protein-rich feeds.
Keeping dogs of the Kuvas breed is allowed both on purchased "pillows" and on natural food. The only thing, in the latter case, it is absolutely necessary to include various kinds of vitamin and mineral supplements in the pet’s diet. After all, everyone knows that when using a natural feeding scheme, achieving a balanced pet menu is usually very difficult.
Such dogs eat a lot, but overfeeding them, of course, is not worth it. Excess weight in these dogs can lead to the development of various kinds of diseases.
Kuvas dogs: grooming
Such owners treat their owners with respect and love. But at the same time, the kuvas to themselves require quite a lot of attention. To leave such a dog for a long time completely alone in any case is not worth it.
The coat of Kuvasz is quite long and thick. Therefore, combing it relies regularly. If the owners do not perform such a procedure, soon a lot of warlocks will form on the dog’s body. Moreover, getting rid of them in the future will be problematic. Kouvas is usually combed out quite often. The same procedure as a haircut is considered completely optional for these dogs.