The period of expectation of a child is one of the most joyful in the life of every woman. However, sometimes pregnancy is overshadowed by a rather unpleasant condition - toxicosis. Almost half of expectant mothers experience all the “charms” of an interesting position. Can such symptoms be alleviated? What will help from toxicosis? Let's get it right.
Toxicosis - what is it?
This phenomenon is defined as an unpleasant and unhealthy general condition of the body during pregnancy. Its symptoms are:
- increased salivation;
- bouts of nausea and vomiting.
Toxicosis is divided into two subspecies: early and late. Classify it according to the gestation period in which it falls.
So, early toxicosis is one that brings discomfort to a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy.
It is characteristic of him:
- constant feeling of tiredness;
- fast fatiguability;
- nervousness;
- frequent nausea
- vomiting and unnatural salivation;
- various rashes on the skin are also sometimes manifested.
Such toxicosis is considered a completely natural physiological process, which serves as a kind of buffer for toxic substances seeking to enter the emerging organism. Therefore, often it does not require any treatment. And what helps with toxicosis in the early stages? We will talk about this further.
Gestosis (a late form of toxicosis) is more dangerous for both the mother and the child. He is worried only after the second trimester. It is worth noting that its symptoms are more dangerous and rarely resemble the norm.
So, to an unpleasant clinic of early toxicosis is added:
- swelling;
- increase in blood pressure;
- renal or liver failure.
These symptoms simply cannot be ignored. In addition, this condition requires medical treatment and regular monitoring of the mother and fetus in order to avoid dangerous consequences.
What helps with toxicosis during pregnancy ? Doctors recommend reviewing your diet.
When a pregnant woman is completely sure that a feeling of nausea or regular vomiting is not associated with any complications or life-threatening infections and chronic diseases, she can resort to some tricks. The tips below will help get rid of these discomforts completely, or weaken their effect.
So, what helps with toxicosis during pregnancy :
- It is worth eating exclusively at the time of hunger, regardless of the established diet.
- It is necessary to eat food often, but in small portions.
- Avoid overeating, as much does not mean good. Thus, the child certainly will not receive more nutrients. It is proved that a woman in a position needs only a slight increase in diet, about 450 kcal per day.
- Do not get involved in spicy or seasoned foods. It is advisable to refuse fatty and fried foods.
- It is recommended to exclude not only from the main diet, but also from visual contact that food that during pregnancy became disgusting.
- Vitamin supplements are also worth consuming correctly. Iron, for example, very often leads to the development of the above symptoms. Its intake must be replaced (only by agreement with the doctor!), Say, with a whole vitamin complex, which, in turn, will be reflected exclusively favorably.
- Water balance is another very important thing for the body. In addition to natural nutrition and moisturizing the body, water perfectly eliminates the feeling of nausea.
- Do not neglect breakfast. It’s best to start the day with low-fat foods.
- It copes with nausea of various kinds of sweet drinks, the same tea with sugar or compote.
How does the daily routine affect the problem of toxicosis?
The choice of the most comfortable activities throughout the day will become natural. That is, you need to determine the most pleasant conditions for you that minimize the feeling of nausea, and try to be in a similar condition more often.
Thinking about what will help from toxicosis, be sure to review your daily regimen. Some women benefit from a standard passive rest (sleep, watching movies, reading books). Others are relieved by an active pastime (homework, hiking).
What will help 100%?
You can get rid of an unpleasant state only with an integrated approach. If you do not know what will help with toxicosis, start following simple recommendations:
- Follow the general regimen, eat regularly and correctly, and also take walks in the fresh air.
- Eliminate stressful situations, focus on positive and calm, relax moderately.
- Avoid eating food just before bedtime. In addition to guaranteed insomnia, you will have difficulty digesting food.
- Sleep and rest should be at will.
- Ventilate the rooms and saturate the body with oxygen.
And do not forget that pregnancy is a very important period. On your female shoulders lies a serious responsibility for the future baby. Therefore, be sure to seek help from a doctor. He will certainly explain what will help from toxicosis.
Special breathing techniques
If you did not succeed in getting rid of the feeling of nausea, you can resort to breathing exercises. When properly executed, it is more than effective in combating such problems.
Consider what helps with toxicosis during pregnancy:
- During awakening, do not leave your bed, take a deep breath. It is worth literally filling yourself with air, absorbing it portionwise and slowly. Then exhale in a similar way. It is recommended to do such simple manipulations about six times.
- Place your hands in the abdomen. Take a gradual and even breath so that you can feel the air in your arms. Exhale slowly.
- We repeat the second exercise, we just ignore the chest part, filling only the stomach with air.
- Take a very deep breath. Place your hands again on your stomach, and as you exhale try to push them away. It should be noted that the inhalation should be long and solitary, and the exhalation should be short-term, preferably three-fold and strong. There is a limitation for this exercise - it can only be performed in the first three months of pregnancy.
The climb itself should be smooth, not sharp. It is better to lower your legs initially, and only then rise completely.
Breathing exercises help to remove carbon dioxide from the blood and saturate the body with oxygen. This is a pleasant and proper substitution. Sometimes when performing this kind of gymnastics, dizziness may occur, but this is not a cause for concern. One has only to hold your breath for about 30 seconds, exhale, and everything normalizes.
Breakfast should be a necessity
Basking in bed in the morning, do not bother with a grueling climb. Better treat yourself to a small breakfast in bed. So, what helps with toxicosis in the early stages? It can be a crust of brown bread, cookies, crackers or other food pre-cooked in the evening.
Breakfast is a must in the diet, even with a complete lack of appetite in the morning you need to overpower yourself and eat.
The most suitable for such a meal are eggs and dairy products, because they are rich in protein, calcium and other elements that are missing from a pregnant woman. Of the drinks, give preference to fruit tea with the addition of sugar, but in moderation. After all, an excess of glucose in the blood adversely affects the baby's body.
Healthy drinks
Liquid is very important for any living thing, especially for a pregnant woman. If you prefer water, then choose mineral or filtered. Drink should be in small portions, but often.
Remember what helps with nausea in toxicosis:
- An effective remedy will be teas with lemon balm, chamomile, wild rose.
- A decoction of dried fruits copes well with nausea. The process and recipe for cooking is very simple: you need to boil about 200 g of dried apricots or prunes in one liter of ordinary water. It is worth taking without additives, sugar or other spices.
- Another excellent drink in the fight against unpleasant symptoms is cranberry juice. It can be purchased ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. Use the recipe: mash about 200 g of cranberries, separate the juice, and pour the remaining consistency with boiled water and cook for about twenty minutes. Then you need to add 100 grams of sugar and wait for the fruit to cool.
Mint - a fighter for well-being
Doctors often recommend this herb to future mothers, explaining what exactly this plant will help from toxicosis in the first trimester.
It is simply amazing, but this miracle of nature is simply a “life jacket” for pregnant women during nausea. Nothing works faster and better than peppermint candies, chewing gum or peppermint tea. But in this it is worth observing the principle of measure.
Honey - an effective means of combating toxicosis
The product is an indispensable natural antiseptic. But honey is good not only in the treatment of colds and wounds. This is simply a wonderful and effective remedy for such an ailment of pregnant women as toxicosis.
Due to the property of being quickly absorbed in the body, honey remarkably saturates it with all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals. But most importantly, he is able to protect against feelings of nausea.
A tasty “medicine” should be taken approximately one tablespoon per day.
Rosehip for nausea
Since ancient times, women have known that it helps well from toxicosis. Do not neglect folk recipes. They are quite effective.
Another wonderful assistant for pregnant women is the wild rose. It has excellent natural properties that contribute to the complete cleansing of the body of toxic elements.
Its effect is twice as effective when eating fruits in the form of a decoction in combination with honey. Take the drink immediately after eating. This is an equivalent alternative to dried fruit decoction.
Ginger application
Doctors say regular ginger helps during toxicosis. This is a very effective, but at the same time deeply individual remedy against nausea. Its use by a pregnant woman may be beneficial, and may respond with an undesirable allergic reaction or heartburn. In order to get rid of undesirable consequences after taking ginger, soak the product in water before any use.
Consider another feature. Mostly Chinese-made ginger is on sale. As a rule, import products are often processed with chemicals in order to increase their shelf life. That is why it is important to soak any foreign product.
And, of course, it is best to use ginger not in its pure form, but as an additive to tea. But be sure to take breaks and do not overdose such a drink.
Toxicosis, like any other disease, should be diagnosed exclusively by your doctor. Drug treatment is resorted to in severe cases. However, remember, only a doctor can recommend that helps from severe toxicosis. It is strictly forbidden to use the medicine yourself.
With severe nausea, antiemetic drugs are recommended to the patient. However, be aware that the bulk of tablets of this type are contraindicated for future mothers or has a number of certain conditions and side effects. Therefore, the use of drugs is advisable only in emergency cases, we can say extreme. That is, when other drugs and methods do not help.
The most effective and gentle antiemetic drugs are:
- "Promethazine."
- "Metoclopromide."
- Meclizine.
- "Diphenhydramine."
But their use should be extremely careful and only on the recommendation of the attending physician.