Intel processors conquer the world for a long time. Every year there are more and more of them on the market. More powerful models replace older ones. New microarchitectures, updated processor sockets and technological processes appear.
Today, the corporation is considered the largest in the world in microprocessor performance. She has been doing this since 2008 and fills three quarters of the entire market. Interestingly, the main and loyal fan of the products of this manufacturer is Dell, followed by Hewlett-Packard and Lenovo.
Back to the past
2010 Intel Core i3-530. , . , . , .
Tick-Tock. .
Intel Core i3-530 Clarkdale Core i5-650. Westmere, 32 . , «» . Intel HD Graphics. , , - .
Intel Core i3-530, . . . Nehalem . « ».
, DDR3. 1,4 . , 16 . .
Westmere. , PCI-Express . , « », CPU.
, «» , . , , Q57, H57, H55 Express.
Intel Core i3-530 , P55. , – . , , , , , .
, Clarkdale 32- . Nehalem . .
, Intel Core i3-530 , , . . , , . , . , .
, . , . .
«», - , . .
. , 7 . .
, . , , .
Intel Core i3-530 . , . , 2010 . , , .
- Intel Core i3-530. Socket H LGA1156 . 2,93 , - 4 . .
, Intel Turbo Boost Intel Trusted Execution. . .
Intel Core i3-530 540. , , 133 . , , DDR3, 1333 . , .
, Clarkdale. 0,65-1,4 . 73 . , 72 .
12 , 733 , , , , . 1,7 . DirectX, OpenGL 2.1.
Intel Core i3-530 2,93 GHz. , , . Intel Core i3-540, i5-650 AMD Athlon II X4 630.
, , . , . , , . Intel Core 2 Duo E8300, 15 %, . : , , ?
Intel Core i3-530 (2,93 ) , . 2,4 , . 32 , , .
, 4,4 - , , , , .
, . . 50% .
Intel Core i3-530. , . , - , . , , , , .
. , , . . 530, 540. , / .
As a result, the difference in price was about $ 20, and the capabilities of the younger model made it possible to overtake and overtake your "older brother", which, of course, looked much more profitable and cost-effective.