How to play online in Starbound: step-by-step instructions

Starbound has released a studio for novice developers in Britain. It is a two-dimensional sandbox. You can play it alone. However, the gameplay with friends is more fun, since with allies it is easier to explore space, create weapons, build houses and so on. There are several ways to create a server for playing with friends.

general information

Game screenshot

Without the help of allies, the Starbound storyline is difficult to navigate. There are missions during which the player will not be able to use his entire arsenal. Therefore, friends in the game can come in handy. A cooperative is possible if a person creates a server. The gamer who wants to connect, prescribes the IP address of the host and enters the game. Features of the cooperative version of Starbound:

  • Each person appears on his own ship.
  • All players descend to their planets.
  • To get to a friend, a gamer needs to connect to a group. To do this, click the plus symbol next to the hero frame. In the field that appears, enter the nickname of a friend.

Players in the group can teleport to other people on the server. To do this, click on the frame of the character of a friend. Then select the teleport function.

How to play online in Starbound

The number of players on the server depends on the power of the computer. Recommended parameters: the amount of RAM - from 4 GB, the processor - Intel Core i3, Internet speed - above 10 megabits per second. Before playing on the network in Starbound, you need to update all the drivers on your computer. Server setup on Linux OS:

  • Open a terminal. Enter the command in it: ufd allow 21025.
  • Open the parameters of the router and start its port.
  • Go to the terminal directory. Where to go to "SteamApps / common / Starbound / version of the operating system."
  • After that, write: / starbound_server.
  • Next, you can go to the server by IP address.
Game starbound

On the Windows operating system, the configuration algorithm has several actions. First of all, you need to disable the firewall. In addition, in the settings of the router should open the port "21025". Then you can start the game and invite friends by IP address in the "Multiplayer" section.

Creating a server through Hamachi

This method is relevant for people who are interested in how to play pirated Starbound online. At the very beginning, the user needs to start Hamachi. In the program, open a room with other players. After that, start "Starbound" through the shortcut. Next, close the application. After you need to run starbound_server.exe in the folder with the game. Thus, the site is created automatically. In the server address should be written: After that, go to Multiplayer and create the main character. Next, you need to register the IP address of the site and its password. Then click "Connect to Server".

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