The game "Uncharted 2" - the continuation of an exciting series of treasure seekers Nathan Drake. In the sequel of the series, the plot begins with the theft of certain jewelry in Istanbul, which leads the user to a train hanging over the abyss.
First chapter
Starts in the game "Uncharted 2" passage with the fact that the main character almost flies into the abyss from the train. Here it is necessary, holding onto the ledges, to move to the other side of the car and climb inside again. Further, moving with the help of seats, run to the farthest end of the train, and from there there will already be an exit to the outside. You need to do this quickly, otherwise fall into the abyss with Drake.
After a short clip, pick up the gun between the two trees and knock out the lock on the door. Go outside and immediately hide from the mercenary, who after a few minutes will die from the explosion. Next, get on the cars to the roof. There will be a container that you can climb on only the second time (first Drake will lose consciousness). At the second attempt, use the yellow pipe. On the roof you need to go forward a bit, raise the dagger and watch the scene.Second episode
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The museum will have security, which is enough to stun for a while. At the same time, you need to do this quietly, otherwise the alarm will rise. We reach the steel gate and again descend into the sewer, so that on the other hand with a knife switch open a passage for a friend. Get to the next block, swim in the pool and stun the next guard from the water. Then, together with a friend, climb onto the roof and get a tranquilizer. Now make your way out the window on the rope, stun the enemy and climb into the ventilation unit. From there, jump to the yellow stairs, and from it to the lower floor. See the sketch, because further in the game "Uncharted 2" the passage will make you quickly run away and dodge enemy shots.Continuation of the game
The third episode in Uncharted 2 will take Drake to the Lazarevich camp, where you need to activate five charges. The first is immediately at the entrance, and the other four are guarded by mercenaries. It is necessary to complete the mission in stealth mode, otherwise the alarm will rise.
Just hide behind cover and kill opponents when they become their backs to Drake. After stripping, you can engage in the activation of explosive devices. The first two are on the platform on the left side, and the other three are on other elevations. Climb the mountain further and throw off a boulder for your partner Sally. Walk along the pipeline to the final destination.In the future, in the game "Uncharted 2" the passage will set the user similar tasks in terms of clearing locations, solving puzzles or moving around difficult terrain.