Configuring an access point in access point mode: instructions. Internet distribution

Most ordinary users have a misconception about setting up and using a Wi-Fi access point, due to the fact that not everyone clearly understands what it is, not to mention what methods can quickly create it on different devices. For some reason, many people think that the access point and the router are the same thing. This is not entirely true. Next, we will try to find out what it is and how to configure the access point in the access point mode (in the form of a distribution device, and not in the form of a device receiving a signal).

What is an access point: a brief introduction

To begin, let's define a clear understanding of what an access point is. For the simplest definition of the essence of this term, you can use the following explanation. For example, you have a device, say, a mobile phone that cannot be connected to a wired network. This may require the use of multiple adapters and splitters. In the case of a wireless network, the Internet access point via WiFi, to which you can connect from any device that supports wireless communication, is just such a peculiar set of virtual adapters. Routers in this regard can also be called access points, but the point itself is even a kind of extension cord, repeater or splitter (as you like), and routers and ADSL modems belong to the class of main devices through which the primary connection to the Internet is made. That is, if you don’t have a wired connection or a wireless network based on a router, you can’t even dream about setting up an access point (in the access point mode, for any device from which the signal will be broadcast, a basic device is required that is directly connected to the provider ) Let's continue.

Router as an access point

Of course, in the case of routers, the situation is easiest. The fact is that you need to configure the signal distribution only on such devices, after which it will be possible to connect to a wireless network from any computer or mobile device, naturally, if they have the corresponding Wi-Fi modules in them.

Router Wireless Settings

On the router, it is usually enough to register the settings provided by the provider, come up with the network name, password and select the preferred encryption type. After saving the options and rebooting the router, you will receive a distributing device.

An important nuance of ADSL modem configuration

Instead of a router, you can use ADSL modems connected directly to a PC or laptop as a router. However, with such a wired connection, the device itself will not be able to transmit a wireless signal (it will be available only for the device to which it is connected directly).

ADSL Modem Wireless

To enable distribution in the modem settings, you need to manually activate its operation precisely in the router mode, after which the distributed signal will become available for connecting to the selected network.

How to make a WiFi access point, laptop or desktop computer: standard procedure

It is worth mentioning separately that a provider can impose restrictions on the number of simultaneously connected devices, “hack” traffic, etc. In addition, the router itself may have connection limits. But what if the number of devices to connect needs to be increased? Buying a repeater is expensive. How to get out of this situation?

In this case, you can configure the distribution of the Internet from a laptop or a stationary computer terminal. An appropriate wireless module (usually of an external type) must be installed on the desktop computer. For any such device that will work in the mode of an access point, the configuration of the access point can be done most quickly by activating wireless distribution through the command console (cmd), which must necessarily start on behalf of the administrator. The procedure is as follows:

  • through the netsh wlan show drivers command, make sure that the equipment that supports wireless distribution is installed in the system with the appropriate drivers;
  • register netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = NAME key = PASSWORD for creating a wireless network (name and password are entered exclusively in Latin);
  • activate the network with the line netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

After that, in the "Network Control Center" we find the installed wireless adapter and on the access tab we allow other users to use the connection.

Wireless adapter settings for distribution

After that, the laptop or stationary terminal starts working like a switch, to which additional devices can be connected. Please note that with a wireless connection, the names of the main and newly created networks, respectively, and access passwords may differ.

Using Hot-spot in Windows 10

The above proposed method is applicable to all the latest versions of Windows, however, in the tenth version of the system there is a unique tool of its kind that allows for any device with wireless modules to use the setting of its operation in the access point mode. Configuring an access point using additional tools is not even required.

Windows 10 Mobile Hot Spot

It is enough just to call the menu by clicking on the notification icon and select the tile of the mobile hot spot there, after which the distribution based on the existing connection will be activated automatically without any user involvement.

Actions on mobile devices

You can also use the Internet from your phone, but setting up an access point is as simple as that.

Setting up an access point on Android

So, for example, on Android devices, through the settings, you need to enter the networks section, and then use the points of the general modem and access point, where you will need to tap on the button for creating it. Next, indicate the network name, set a password, and set WPA2-PSK as encryption. Distribution is activated by enabling data transfer (for example, through the menu of the hidden top panel). In this case, only traffic provided by the mobile operator will be used, for which additional charges may apply.

Utilities for quickly creating an access point

Finally, in order to simplify the task of creating an access point as much as possible, you can use any simple program for WiFi-distribution of the Internet like mHotspot, Connectify, MyPublicWiFi and their analogues.

Creating an Access Point in Connectify

In any such application, installed either in a fixed OS or on a mobile gadget, almost all settings are maximally simplified and automated so that the user only needs to come up with the name of the connection being created and the access password. In addition, if necessary, they can be used to organize network monitoring, limit the number of connections, incoming and outgoing traffic, or perform other important settings. However, most ordinary users do not need such additional tools, and in most cases you can restrict yourself to only the basic opportunities for activating the distribution of the Internet.

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