Currently, many women are faced with the problem of lack of ovulation, therefore, are not able to get pregnant. Most gynecologists in this case adhere to such treatment methods as stimulation of ovulation with Klostilbegit, and they prescribe it to almost every woman who has similar problems. However, before taking Klostilbegit, pregnancy after which it almost always occurs, you should understand what ovulation is and what functions it performs.
If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle (MC), it becomes necessary to establish whether she has ovulation. In the event that it is absent, it is necessary to find out the cause of this violation in order to be able to restore the natural ovulation process and eliminate the negative factors affecting it. It should be noted that ovulation is the period when the conception of a child can occur and represents the exit of a mature egg from the ovary. If this process is disrupted, fertilization may not occur. There are also cases of bezovulatsionny MC in women, which becomes the cause of infertility.
Thus, doctors are prone to such a method of restoring ovulation as stimulation of ovulation with Klostilbegit . Klostilbegit itself is intended to treat disorders of the MC, as well as amenorrhea, Frommel and Leventhal syndromes, oligomenorrhea and galactorrhea. This drug has a positive effect on the organs of the reproductive system, as well as the endometrium and vagina, however, this effect depends on the state of the female body at the time of therapy. In addition, the age of a woman, which affects the susceptibility to therapeutic therapy, is also important in the treatment of Klostilbegit.
According to the results of numerous studies after the use of such a drug as Klostilbegit, pregnancy occurs in 97% of women. Thus, it stimulates ovulation in 90% of cases, creating a physiological normal menstrual cycle.
The scheme of use of Klostilbegit includes its appointment in a dose of 50 mg on the fifth day of MC. In 50% of women, ovulation appears at the first stage of taking the drug. If this does not happen, the woman continues to take the drug at a dose of 100 mg for five days. Ovulation at the second stage of taking Klostilbegit occurs in 25% of women. In the case when ovulation is not observed at this stage, women continue to take this drug in a dose of 150 mg according to the same scheme. It should be noted that this dose can no longer be increased. However, in 10% of women, it is not possible to normalize the MC and the ovulation process. In this case, doctors recommend a further reduction in the dose of the drug with each cycle to 50 mg. Usually, ovulation occurs on the fifth cycle of taking the drug, and in some women, on the fifth day after the end of treatment. Thus, Klostilbegit, the pregnancy after which occurs in most women, is effective in treating menstrual irregularities and a number of other female diseases.
It should be noted that before starting treatment, an experienced specialist should conduct an additional examination of the woman in order to exclude the occurrence of side effects and contraindications to the use of the drug. It is also recommended to normalize thyroid hormones and prolactin, violations of which can prevent the appearance of ovulation. During the entire period of treatment, the gynecologist must monitor the size of the woman's ovaries.
It is also necessary to know that a drug such as Klostilbegit, which can become pregnant after the second month, has contraindications, therefore it is not recommended to use it on your own, it requires specialist advice.
Thus, pregnancy after Klostilbegit occurs in almost all women, only 3% of patients require a different method of treatment using other drugs.