Although the pains of the pubic bone during pregnancy are rarely mentioned among complaints, nevertheless, they have a place to be and at the same time cause great concern to some women. The pubic bone hurts during pregnancy in those cases when the tendons connecting the two pubic bones are weakened in the middle of the pelvic cavity.
Pubic symphysis and its processes.
The pelvic bone consists of three bones, one of which is the pubic bone, which in turn has two more bones forming the pubic joint. And it forms the front wall of the pelvis. As a rule, the pubic bone resembles a cushion in shape, and a large human finger in thickness. With the bones of the pelvis, it connects at the edges, forming a shape similar to an arch, which is called pubic elevation.
In the body of a woman during pregnancy, many changes occur, including hormonal changes, which affects the shape of the bones. So, for example, in the second trimester of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the pubic bone can also change. Under the influence of the hormone relaxin become softer ligaments, cartilage, and bones of the pubic joint. All this happens in the body in order to facilitate the safe passage of the baby during childbirth through the birth canal and pelvis. But, if a failure occurs in the process of softening the pubic articulation , then the pains of the pubic bone during pregnancy occur.
Doctors believe that if the pains of the pubic bone during pregnancy are not severe, then this is a natural process of preparing the female body for childbirth. But if they intensify, accompanied by edema, and stretching of the pubic joint, which becomes mobile, this leads to a discrepancy of the bones of the bosom. And this can be a striking sign of symphysitis.
Sensations of a pregnant woman with pubic pain (symphysitis disease).
When a woman begins to have severe pains of the pubic bone during pregnancy at the end of the second trimester, it is necessary to immediately undergo a thorough diagnosis by a gynecologist, as well as an ultrasound examination of the pubic joint to determine the size of the discrepancy between the pubic bones.
Most often, at the doctor’s appointment, women call these sensations pain in the perineum, and describe the symptoms as follows: the pain intensifies when walking or when turning from left to right, and also from right to left in a lying position. But a pronounced symphysis can be ascertained in the patient only if there are sharp pains in the bladder area, similar to sharp stabs with a knife.
If the diagnosis is confirmed, then usually a cesarean section is prescribed by doctors, and natural birth is strictly prohibited. This is because with the natural occurrence of the process of childbirth, the bones can diverge even more and the woman subsequently will not be able to walk at all.
Bed rest is prescribed by doctors in two cases, when the patient was prescribed cesarean and with the appearance of postpartum symphysitis. In this case, a woman should not lie on a plane, but in a special hammock, for fast convergence of bones.
Where does the pubic bone disease called symphysitis come from.
The occurrence of symphysitis is due to several reasons. This may be a lack of calcium, and excessive secretion by the body of a woman of a hormone such as relaxin. Symphysitis can also occur due to deviations of the musculoskeletal system or due to a hereditary tendency to it, as well as due to some structural features of the body.
In any case, women with such a diagnosis must definitely register, under the supervision of a gynecologist. And the subsequent course of labor will be determined by the doctor, by examining at 32 weeks of pregnancy the discrepancy of the pelvic bone during pregnancy, namely the pubic joint.