Anti-decubitus pillow: types, how to choose the right one, reviews

Unfortunately, it often happens that as a result of an injury or a serious illness, a person is forced to stay in a wheelchair for a long time. This threatens the patient with a phenomenon such as pressure sores. So called formations on the skin, leading to the death of tissue cells. They are peculiar to patients bedridden or wheelchair.

The most effective today means of preventing their occurrence are mattresses, pillows with anti-decubitus effect. In addition to the prevention of this disease, they contribute to the rapid elimination of existing formations. Such a simple invention as an anti-decubitus pillow helps restore normal blood circulation in sedentary parts of the body, produces a soft massage effect, eliminates friction and tissue displacement, thereby preventing pressure sores. In this article we will introduce you to the types of pillows and mattresses, talk about their action, consider some models in detail.

anti-decubitus pillow

Application area

Many people who have had to look after seriously ill patients know that prolonged immobility often leads to the appearance of ulcers on the skin. This category of patients includes not only disabled people with disabilities, but also people who have had serious heart diseases (stroke or heart attack). Sometimes, various injuries and oncological diseases confine a person to bed for a long time.

The constant effect of human body mass on the skin leads to circulatory disorders. Sandwiched areas are covered with non-healing ulcers, which bring great suffering to the patient. Moreover, this ailment can lead to blood poisoning. Most often, such formations appear on the feet and around the buttocks.

mattress pillows

To prevent this disease, special mattresses and pillows should be used. They can help sedentary patients, as well as people with severe forms of arthritis, after burns, with an ischemic ulcer, impaired motor system, as well as paralysis. It should be noted that it is possible to use parasol beds for both bedridden patients and simply for the purpose of prevention. They perfectly relieve fatigue, reduce pain caused by the load on the spine. They are used by people who suffer from sciatica, osteochondrosis. An anti-decubitus pillow can be used anywhere - on a bed or in a wheelchair, on a work chair or chair, in a car seat.

Types of Pillows

An anti-decubitus pillow can belong to one of the categories, which are divided into:

  • surface quality
  • filler,
  • the form,
  • risk zone.

Depending on the risk zone, they have the following subcategories:

  • for heels and elbows;
  • for toilet chairs;
  • for the back and buttocks.

They can have a different form:

  1. Square (it is considered classic). It is suitable for patients who do not need additional support for posture.
  2. Anatomical . This pillow completely repeats the shape of the buttocks, helps maintain posture.
  3. Cone-shaped . They have a special cutout for the tailbone. Suitable for people who have undergone gynecological or pelvic surgery.


This factor largely determines how comfortable the chosen anti-decubitus pillow will be. It affects the price of the product. The main fillers that are used today are:

  • Foam rubber . This is the most common material, in addition, it is one of the most affordable.
  • Silicone gel . It not only follows the contours of the body, but also contributes to less sweating, as it has cooling properties.
  • Memory foam with polyurethane foam . This material has become very popular in recent years, due to its ability to “remember” and accurately follow the contours of the body. This completely eliminates the risk of squeezing tissues in problem areas.
  • Latex. The material is natural, perfectly breathable and characterized by viscosity and elasticity.
  • Air. We are talking about static airbags, which help, thanks to the air layer and many cells filled with air, cope with the disease. Thanks to this solution, the air flows smoothly into the desired cells and creates an optimal pressure distribution.

The anti-decubitus pillow may have a flat or embossed surface.

gel pillow

Selection tips

For the right choice of pillows, it is necessary to understand well what exactly the patient needs in this difficult period. This will help you choose the right model.

Gel pillow

This gel-filled model is ideal for those who are interested in the low cost of the product and ease of use. Also, such models have a minimum level of posture maintenance, and this should be considered when buying.

The WC-GC gel pillow has a high-density foam and silicone gel as a filler. Its dimensions are 40x40x5 cm. There are fastening ties, as well as anti- slip coating. The weight of the WC-GC pillow is 2.5 kg. Price - from 2500 rubles. Manufacturer - China. Warranty - six months.

Armed CQD-P

Air filling guarantees a low weight of the product, the ability to adjust the level of stiffness using air pumping. Nevertheless, such an anti-decubitus pillow is unlikely to suit patients who need posture support. They need another option.

This anti-decubitus pillow is designed to prevent skin ulcers in people with impaired nervous system and musculoskeletal system. It provides comfort in a sitting position. The anti- decubitus air pillow Armed CQD-P is made of visco-elastic polyurethane foam and has the effect of shape memorization. The pillow cover has a zipper made of water-repellent and waterproof fabric. Price - 2040 rubles

Vita Care Pillow

Foamed materials of any kind please with low weight, comfort and stability. They have an average level of posture maintenance.

This model is developed on the basis of a patented innovative system that allows you to evenly distribute pressure on areas that come into contact with the body. Anti-decubitus effect is achieved thanks to a special visco-elastic polyurethane foam, which has the ability to remember the shape, as well as air chambers inside the product. They allow you to change the height of the pillow and its softness.

Anti-decubitus pillow polyurethane Vita Care has an insert of anti-slip material that allows you to hold it in place, and with Velcro, it can be glued to a chair or stroller. Case: 100% Polyester. Such an anti-decubitus pillow, the price of which is 3450 rubles, can significantly alleviate the suffering of the patient.

Roxo Pillows

Roxo (USA) has been on the market of rehabilitation products for more than ten years and is a developer of modern and high-tech anti-decubitus pillows and mattresses that guarantee the patient comfort, effective rehabilitation, and maximum convenience.

pillow roho

These models are designed to redistribute the weight of a sick person and reduce pressure on problem areas. The effectiveness of this accessory is noted at stages 1, 2 and even 3 of bedsores. The ability to redistribute pressure enhances blood flow and significantly reduces edema, which increases the effect.

Roho Quadtro Select Low

This model is designed for wheelchair use. It is adjusted by pressing a button. Thus, you can change the shape. Using such a pillow, the user can independently change position during the day.

This Roho pillow does not require complicated care. It is easy to clean with soap and water. Such a product is suitable for patients with reduced mobility who need comfort and basic posture support.

Roho mosaic

This is a great model of an air bag with a basic level of skin protection. It evenly distributes the pressure force over the contact area. As a result of using this pillow, wound healing is much more effective.

Roho group

Specially designed Roxo cushion for the size of the chair. It provides protection for the back, tailbone. Due to the deep immersion achieved by maintaining the internal air pressure, it does not allow parts of the body (especially bone protrusions) to touch the base of the support. Such a pillow, designed with a backrest, is an excellent choice if the upholstery of the stroller sags and is not a support for the body.

anti-decubitus pillow Price

Anti-decubitus mattresses

And now we will introduce you to decubitus mattresses, which are made of polyvinyl chloride and rubberized fabric. These materials have both positive and negative sides. That is why experts find it difficult to answer which one is better. For example, rubberized mattresses retain heat well. Polyvinyl chloride samples cannot boast of this. But they are easier to care for, they can be repaired.

decubitus mattress Price


It must be present in the kit. Moreover, it should have a low noise level (10 dB or less). The mattress is used constantly, and therefore the noise will cause inconvenience to the patient.

Types of mattresses:

  • tubular;
  • cellular.

The mesh sample is suitable for patients with an initial stage of bedsore formation. Mattresses of this type are quite widely used in hospitals today. They include many air chambers that visually look very much like a honeycomb.

A tubular mattress is used to provide comfort to stationary people with pressure ulcers of a later stage. Microscopic perforation of such a mattress perfectly copes with the disease. By purchasing a similar decubitus mattress, the price of which can be either quite affordable or quite high (depending on the manufacturer and material), choose a model that is equipped with a sheet that does not absorb moisture.

Features of use

It is very important to choose the necessary pressure in the mattress. For patients who have a lot of weight, this figure is higher. In addition, the mattress should be soft and elastic at the same time. You can check this indicator yourself - swipe your hand between its sections. If you easily did this, then the pressure is perfect. If you are doing it with effort, you need to increase the rate.

Maintenance and cleaning of the mattress

Before cleaning, inflate the mattress. Use a soft, wet towel. It is not recommended to use products that contain dyes or alcohol in their composition. Before the next use, the mattress must be dried well, but not in the open sun.

The compressor is cleaned several times a week with a soft cloth, previously unplugged. The use for cleaning products with abrasive components is contraindicated.

Do not forget that an anti-decubitus mattress, the price of which varies from 3,000 to 56,350 rubles (for example, the Entrix Carilex mattress), is often vital for people in a state of immobility.

pillows for bed patients


In conclusion, let's talk about one more material. Today he fills many pillows. Hollofiber - a substitute for fluff (artificial). It is produced only at the Termopol plant (Moscow). This word consists of two words - “hollowe” and “fiber”. They translate as “hollow fiber”.

The filler is made according to the most modern technologies of thermal bonding from polyester (polyester). For filling mattresses, holofiber "hard" is used. Its structure is hollow fibers, which have the form of spiral springs, interwoven with each other, and forming a springy structure. This material is not used in the manufacture of anti-decubitus pillows. Hollofiber is successfully used for the manufacture of orthopedic bedding for pregnant women and children.

holofiber pillows

Customer reviews

Most buyers who have already purchased such rehabilitation remedies believe that they did the right thing. They are especially effective against patients with skin lesions in the initial stages. In this case, pressure sores disappear quite quickly.

Buyers note that pillows for bed patients, as well as mattresses, fully cope with their functions. With regard to the filler, opinions differ, since in each case an individual approach to its choice is required.

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