For children from 3 to 7 years old, an interactive game is an unusually effective and efficient method of learning. It allows you to easily tell kids about the world around them, introduce them to the characters of fairy tales, and at the same time teach them how to interact with each other to achieve their ultimate goal. You can read about what types of interactive games for preschool children and how to conduct them in this article.
What it is?
Modern society is based on communication. Career, leisure, family, all the most important spheres of a person depend on interpersonal relationships. “Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends” - this saying only reinforces the need for interactive games. So what is it? Games in an interactive format are the activities of preschoolers, which takes place under the supervision of a teacher and is aimed at understanding the world around them and solving assigned tasks through teamwork.
This format of the game allows you to teach children conflict-free and productive communication with peers, to become friendly and tolerant. The main subject in the interactive game are children. It is best to provide them with a comfortable position and a complete absence of distractions. After explaining the rules of the game, children must interact with each other, the task of the educator is to gently guide the process in the right direction.
Do not confuse an interactive game with a role-playing or business one. In the first version, everyone is assigned certain roles and situations, the second are aimed at developing business qualities and negotiation skills. Interactive games, in turn, teach a completely different way - constructive communication with others.
Types of games
Among the variety of games for preschoolers with an interactive element, the following types can be distinguished:
- Games based on fairy tales are popular in kindergartens. Such productions are understandable to kids, because they feature characters known to them from childhood. Just in case, before holding such a game, you need to conduct a preparatory lesson that will remind the children of the heroes of history. Guiding questions from the teacher will help kids remember the plot and meaning of the tale.
- Games introducing children to the outside world. For preschoolers, topics that are simpler are taken: “Pets”, “Hard-soft”, “Who lives in the forest”, etc. For schoolchildren, topics can be more complicated: self-control development games that teach group support and help to better know classmates, come out on top. With the help of a poetic form (it is best perceived by ear), the teacher greets the children and explains what the rules will be.
- Games using presentations or an interactive whiteboard successfully complement the lesson and make it more fun and intuitive. For schoolchildren, collective literacy or arithmetic assignments may be included in the presentation, and for younger children, animal images and various quizzes. However, using a computer, do not forget about the main goal of an interactive game - to establish communication between children.
Purpose and Benefit
Interactive games for children have clear objectives:
- Improve the child's communication skills.
- Let him better know himself and his children.
- Teach to achieve the task through collective activity.
- Master the basic life rules of society.
- Learn better educational material.
But the main goal of children's interactive game remains the development of the skill of successful and productive communication with peers. After all, communicating, the child not only learns to achieve the intended task together, but also receives feedback that forms his idea of himself. The importance of this type of activity is difficult to overestimate, and in many kindergartens and other educational institutions this method of communication is an obligatory part of the program.
Interactive games for preschoolers
The simplest version of the game is a variation on the theme of the fairy tale "Turnip". Children learn to communicate with each other using facial expressions and gestures. After a short preparatory lesson, during which the students recall the characters and the plot of the tale, the main part comes. In the course of it, children are given the task: to build cards with characters in the same order in which they appear in the fairy tale. A complicating element is the ban on the use of words: babies should use only gestures and facial expressions.
Another option for an interactive game is the "Pet" lesson. With the help of cartoons, poems or fairy tales, children in the preparatory class are introduced to the selected animal. Then the next stage begins: the kids are provided with a table with paper, glue and paints. Children are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Together they need to make an image of an animal or bird. At the same time, the teacher should not interfere in the game, he is assigned the role of an observer. After the game, a discussion of the results takes place, the pupils exchange impressions with each other and discuss each other's mistakes and actions.
For primary school children
Playing with interactive elements will be completely different for children in primary school. At this age, the guys already know a lot and are able, so the tasks for them will be much more complicated. Here is an example of several interactive games for the school:
- Topic: "What could be dangerous in the world around us." Students need to be divided into groups: “dishes”, “household appliances”, “clothes” and “furniture”. Each group of children should, with the help of a teacher, identify hazardous household items that could be harmful if mistreated. Then the children look at the presentation on this topic, consolidating the knowledge gained.
- For children of school age, interactive games related to cartoons are very well suited. Using the characters of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", you can attract the attention of primary children and make them more actively involved in the game. After a short preparatory lesson, which covers the theme of the interactive game “Where the Air Works,” the children are divided into groups and sent along with Masha and the bear on a fabulous journey around the world. Each group should name those inventions of man that work with air. An interactive presentation accompanies the process.
Board games
Interactive board games have become very popular, which everyone plays with pleasure - from small to large. It requires some perseverance and concentration, so the minimum age of children for such activities is 4-5 years. The modern world of board games offers a wide range of activities that will not only entertain the company, but also help you learn new things or consolidate the material. The word “interactive” in the title indicates feedback or some kind of interaction. Often such board games react to the actions of children and encourage them to develop dexterity, fine motor skills and coordination. Here is an example of such manuals:
- The well-known game “Operation”, in which the child needs to carefully remove the disease without touching healthy organs. Such entertainment not only develops coordination, but also helps to learn the names of the internal organs of a person.
- "Shark hunting" - is a board game, which consists of a playing field, chips, four fish and a hungry shark. Players take turns tossing chips. Dropped colored sides on cubes indicate fish of the same color. They need to be moved before the hungry shark eats them. The game does not carry a special teaching load, but children really like it.
- “Crocodile Dentist” is a fun game in which a sick crocodile needs to click all the teeth in turn, possibly avoiding the patient. If you fall on it, the crocodile will immediately slam its mouth, which will mean a loss. The game trains agility and coordination.
Games complemented by presentation
Modern facilities with which schools and kindergartens are equipped significantly increase the effectiveness of interactive games. Due to the specifics of concentration, computer presentations should be used already in the classroom with younger students. They can increase the degree of mastery of the material and the effectiveness of the entire lesson. The presentation can be used both as an addition to an interactive game, and as an independent part with tasks, questions and quizzes. At the moment, there are many examples of interactive presentations on the web on any topic.
Didactic games
Do not confuse interactive games for classes with didactic ones. In the first one way or another there is communication, interaction. In the second, the main element is active knowledge with subsequent evaluation. Examples of didactic interactive games include:
- Games with items. Children need to pick up objects of the same shape, size, etc.
- Verbal didactic games are usually aimed at improving pronunciation, expanding the vocabulary of children.
- Board and print games are held using visual aids. Most often these are paired cards and Memories that train the child's memory and observation.
Game Creation Algorithm
All interactive games contain a certain algorithm that must be followed when creating a script. During the game, children must follow the following points:
- Gaining knowledge - before the lesson, it is necessary to explain the basics of constructive communication, methods and ways to achieve the desired result.
- An analysis of the behavior of other children during the game helps the child realize other people's intentions and develop empathy and empathy towards others.
- Then the child must build a strategy to achieve the desired result and adhere to it during the interactive game.
- Finally, when through the collective efforts and guidance of the educator, the goal is achieved, the game is considered complete.
Using this method, you can come up with an interactive game for any topic. A little imagination and creativity - and you will have a unique method of raising a child ready.
Educator recommendations
Scientists have long established that a person learns 80% of information through the eyes, and only 15% through hearing. Therefore, teachers are strongly advised to use visual printed materials or presentations in recommendations. They increase the motivation of children and help them better master the art of interpersonal communication.
Also, one should not forget that children should achieve the task through collective work, and adult intervention in this process should be minimal. The teacher’s task is to prepare the kids for the lesson, set a goal for them, and only slightly, if necessary, guide them during the game. If these conditions are met, the benefits and effects of an interactive game will not take long.
Every educator and teacher would like to see their pupils successful and prepared for serious trials outside the school. To effectively solve problems in adulthood, often only one thing is needed - communication. Interactive games for elementary school help develop these qualities in preschoolers and thus lay the foundation for their successful future.