The World of Tanks is represented by many nations, each of which has made a significant contribution to the development of world tank building. Players can explore the development branches of tanks of the USSR, Germany, USA and other countries. Of course, not without the founders of this industry as a whole. Widely represented in World of Tanks and British tanks. Although this nation was added to the game not so long ago, many machines are already available to players for research.
Development Tree Overview
British tanks are represented by all classes of equipment. Users can upgrade the following branches:
- light tanks (LT);
- medium tanks (ST);
- heavy tanks (TT);
- anti-tank guns (PT);
- self-propelled artillery guns (self-propelled guns).
The number of tanks available for research is so large that it is possible to get, for example, not one heavy tank of level 10, but three. Few nations in the game boast such diversity.
Undoubtedly, British tanks of level 10 deserve to be in the hangar of all players, however, many of them are sure that the path to these vehicles is not at all interesting. It is much easier (and safer for the nerves) to accumulate free experience and explore the technology of the UK at lower levels without acquiring it.
Why do they think so? It’s worth a deal.
This article will feature photos of British tanks. This will provide an opportunity to more clearly examine the data of the machine.
Light tanks
The branch of light British tanks starts from the second level, while the majority of other nations start from the first (premium vehicles are not taken into account). In fact, the branch of research of light tanks in a common tree cannot be distinguished. Their representatives are in the CT, in the TT, and even in the PT, but there is no LT above the fourth level (not taking into account premium technology). Senior representatives are Valentine and Covenanter. The first is armored and tenacious, the second is mobile.
It's hard to say who enjoys playing Valentine. Although armored and capable of repelling opponents of lower levels, this tank is catastrophically slow for LT. It also has a low rate of fire and poor accuracy.
Covenanter is its exact opposite.
Medium tanks
The crown of the British branch of medium tanks in World of Tanks - Centurion Action X - is a mobile and powerful, well-armored ST. It is nice to accumulate experience, train the crew, defeat opponents.
True, in order to get it into the hangar, you will have to go through at least three types of medium tanks.
The first is represented by large and poorly armored ST of lower levels (Grant, Sherman III). The second is a compact and very fast technique (Cromwell, Crusader). The third is with large and mobile machines. These include such CTs as:
- Centurion Mk. I;
- Centurion Mk. 7/1;
- Centurion Action X.
Centurion Mk series. 7/1 and Action X have a well-armored turret.
The firepower of all UK STs is at a high level. Most often, the guns of British tanks of the middle class are quick-firing, have good armor penetration and high accuracy. And this plays a big role in every fight.
Heavy tanks
British TTs begin at level 5 and up to 7 are represented by tanks, which are rightly called heavy: slow, large, square, but well-armored vehicles.
At 8 and 9 levels are still slow and well-armored vehicles with high firepower, but with not so rectangular hulls. The latter fact allows players to receive rebounds and take enemy attacks without harm to the machine.
Players can choose from three TTs of the tenth level:
- slow but powerful FV215b;
- slow but well armored Super Conqueror;
- Mobile and powerful Chieftain Mk. 6.
Each car is interesting in its own way, a unique game style is applicable to them. Therefore, all the players who decided to explore the branch of the UK heavy tanks will eventually be satisfied with the equipment.
Anti-tank guns
Immediately it is worth noting that the British tank destroyer branch has two directions:
- The first is represented for the most part by slow and rapid-firing tank destroyers without towers (AT-15 or AT 7), but it is crowned by a more mobile tank destroyer with a tower FV215b (183). These anti-tank systems have very accurate guns with a short guidance time, low one-time damage and high rate of fire. Again, this does not apply to level 10 cars. FV 215b (183) has a low rate of fire, poor accuracy, but with one shot it inflicts very large damage to the enemy.
- Representatives of the second direction almost all have towers, poorly armored, but are mobile and cause a lot of damage to enemies. All this applies to both the PT of the beginning of the branch (it starts at level 5) like Achilles, and to the top cars like the FV4005 Stage II.
Level 5 Fri - Archer is the very first in the branch. This is the most atypical representative of UK tank destroyers. It has an extremely weak reservation, but good accuracy and high rate of fire with low one-time damage. But she doesn’t have a tower, and the gun has a limited aiming angle. Archer's forward gear is very weak. But the dynamics increase markedly if you drive in reverse. This is the main feature of the Archer tank destroyer.
Self-propelled artillery mounts
If you study the characteristics of self-propelled guns in the UK, you can identify the following pattern: the higher the level of the machine, the more, slower, weaker armored, but does more damage to enemies.
Only FV304 is knocked out of this logical series - a small mobile tier 6 self-propelled guns with small one-time damage and high rate of fire.
The British branch of tanks in World of Tanks contains a lot of interesting equipment at medium (FV304, Cromwell) and senior levels (Conqueror, Centurion Action X, FV 215b (183)). Therefore, this nation deserves the attention of all players without exception.
True, many British tanks do not bring pleasure from the game at all. It is more expedient to investigate low-level equipment for free experience, or even start by studying the tanks of other nations.