How to make a Notch apple in Minecraft: tips

How to make a Notch apple in Minecraft? Any player who fell into a hopeless situation in the game asked such a question. There were legends about the apple during the beta release. On forums, players shared their views on how to craft.

how to make a notch apple in minecraft

However, later the developers officially announced the addition of the item to the game.

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How to make Notch's Golden Apple in Minecraft

After extracting the apple, you need to start looking for gold. It comes across more often than diamonds, but less often than iron. At the same time, it is impossible to extract gold ore using a pickaxe from a tree. Most gold in the caves. As a rule, at intermediate levels. After its extraction, the ore must be remelted in a furnace. As a combustible material, you can use coal or wood. You will need eight bars in total. Crafted item on a workbench.

how to make a golden apple notch in minecraft

The apple is placed in the middle and surrounded by ingots.

Now that you know how to make a Notch apple in Minecraft, you can safely go to the Underworld.

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