If anyone does not know, the command line in any Windows OS is a powerful and versatile tool for performing many operations related to setting up the system, checking its performance, changing the configuration, formatting disks and partitions, and much more. Now it will be considered how to open a command prompt in Windows 10. And we will begin with this ...
How to invoke the command line in Windows 10 in a classic way?
Although the “ten” has undergone some changes compared to the same “seven” or “eight”, some basic principles still remain the same. Let us make a reservation right away: do not confuse the command line with the Run menu, which is solely responsible for starting programs and system components, although in some ways it is very similar to the element you are looking for.
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cmd, , «».
Windows 10:
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, «», cmd, Win + R.
«» ( Win + X). . , : Windows 10. , , , . , Windows 10 « ».
, , Win + Q.
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cmd.exe System32 Windows. . . , . , , , .
, , Windows 10, . , , , , . . . , , .
Windows- «» (Win + X) , cmd «», , .
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