The developers of World of Tanks have repeatedly made gifts to fans of the game. Depending on significant events, tankers could receive pleasant surprises or promotional offers. When the company celebrated 2 years of the existence of its project, Type-62 was introduced in the game store, which many loved.
Now this tank is difficult to see in WoT. Usually he is in the hangar of those who have long been a regular game. Gamers enjoyed buying the Type-62. The tank became a favorite car, and therefore, developers later created an action in patch 0.9.3, thanks to which players were able to get the “Chinese" again.
Briefly about the main thing
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Those who repeatedly went into battle on the "Type-62" often complain about many shortcomings. For someone, every fifth battle ends in a fire or the criterion of an ammunition depot, someone comes across against the TT and cannot cope with them.
Experienced tankers believe that, despite the premium vehicle, shooting cumulative, you still go into the red. Therefore, it is better to purchase premium as well, in order to receive optimal income on average in battle.