Treatment of cough in pregnant women: gynecologist's advice

A sudden cold or an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the respiratory system can provoke a cough, which, without appropriate therapy, will give a pregnant woman significant discomfort. It is important to understand that the use of potent medications during pregnancy is not advisable. You need to know the symptoms and treatment of cough in pregnant women, allergic or colds. We’ll talk about this.

first trimester pregnant cough treatment


When a woman prepares to become a mother, her immunity weakens. If the expectant mother suddenly began to cough, you need to find out the cause. Most of the causes of a cough in a pregnant woman are the same as in most people:

  1. SARS is a disease that anyone can get sick, and a future mother is the main goal for various viruses.
  2. Seasonal allergies and the effects of toxic substances that secrete baby products are the causes of coughing.
  3. Asthma attacks also cause coughing. Therefore, if a woman has asthma, then before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to consult with specialists, because during pregnancy, most medications are prohibited.
  4. As you know, a growing uterus compresses and displaces all the organs of a woman, which causes heartburn. Gastric juice is thrown into the esophagus and into the respiratory tract, provoking a cough that aggravates when a woman lies.
  5. During pregnancy, an increase in the load on the heart is possible, against this background, the fluid in the woman's lungs stagnates, which provokes a cough.
  6. Well, and of course, the harmful habit of mankind - smoking is one of the main causes of coughing in pregnant women.


Coughing during pregnancy does not differ significantly from the coughing of an ordinary person, a woman without children. And it is divided into three main types, depending on the cause of occurrence:

  • Dry (SK).
  • Wet (VK).
  • Breast strong dry or wet.

A dry or unproductive cough appears against a background of a viral infection, frequent stay in a cool place in a draft, due to severe simultaneous hypothermia. If the SC torments the expectant mother for several days (2 or 3) and does not go into expectoration, then the bronchi and lungs are simply not able to cope with the mucus accumulated inside. Often there is a hard "barking" cough, as a mechanism for getting rid of bacteria.

A wet cough appears during periods of off-season exacerbation of diseases and is a consequence of a common cold. It treats well enough, since sputum does not settle inside, but freely leaves out. They treat VK with the help of traditional medicine and anti-inflammatory herbal preparations, which are allowed to a woman in an interesting position. Antiviral and antimicrobial drugs are used only to counteract relapses if the family of the expectant mother has cases.

Chest wet and dry cough indicate the development of complex pathologies: cardiovascular system, respiratory tract, muscle fibers. Treatment of a mixed type of cough or its individual component is prescribed after a comprehensive examination, which includes: radiography, blood tests for antibodies, urinalysis for the production of protein compounds, ECG, ECHO of the heart, histological examination of sputum and mucus.


It is necessary to choose the safest and most effective methods of treating cough, one of which is inhalation. Cough inhalations are carried out in two ways:

  • traditional, covered with a dense blanket over a container with steam;
  • using a modern nebulizer.

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on medicinal compositions for inhalation from cough during pregnancy, namely:

  • the traditional and, perhaps, the most neutral and harmless means for inhalation is boiled potatoes, the inhaled vapor from which fights against dry cough and helps sputum discharge;
  • inhalation with a mixture of onions with garlic has a similar effect;
  • from a wet cough during pregnancy, inhalation based on sea salt with the addition of a decoction of eucalyptus is well suited;
  • also an excellent remedy (including for inhalation) is considered a linden decoction.

For a nebulizer, drugs in pharmacy release forms are more suitable. During pregnancy, a drug such as Lazolvan, which has an expectorant effect, is suitable for inhalation using a nebulizer. Inhalations are also carried out on ordinary mineral water, as well as on a solution of soda.

It is forbidden to use iodine solution for inhalation at any time during pregnancy, as well as some essential oils, such as dill, cedar and rosemary oil, as well as carry out the inhalation procedure at elevated temperatures. In any case, before carrying out any manipulations, a pregnant woman needs to get the advice of a specialist.

alternative treatment for pregnant cough


Coughing in pregnant women is a symptom that can negatively affect the health of both mother and baby at any time. As you know, during pregnancy, the use of most medicines is strictly prohibited due to possible negative consequences, so many mothers resort to traditional medicine. One of the effective folk remedies for treating cough is gargling. This technique can only be used if there is an unproductive cough. Dry cough during pregnancy is more dangerous than wet. Dry unproductive cough causes irritation of the mucosa and its dryness, which can lead to increased uterine tone. Therefore, it is necessary to start eliminating it in a timely manner. The classic type of rinse includes dried herbs, baking soda, salt, apple cider vinegar.

Also in most recipes can be used onion, herbal decoctions, tinctures of marshmallow, licorice, radish and others. So, you can take a tincture of calendula or eucalyptus from 10 to 15 drops, and dissolve it in a glass of warm boiled water. You can also use a slightly different recipe, for example, a mixture of tinctures of eucalyptus, calendula and sage. They are dissolved in 350 ml of boiled water and warmed up in a water bath. Then you can start treatment.

The well-known solution of soda plus salt, half a teaspoon each in a glass of warm water. Rinsing with saline is also a very effective remedy for coughing.

The next type of rinse includes a teaspoon of soda and two to three drops of iodine. Gargling for coughing is recommended to soothe the mucous membrane and improve the general condition of the future mother. Rinse should be done some time after eating. Procedures should be performed up to 6 times a day.

allergic cough in pregnant women symptoms and treatment


Cough syrup is prescribed for pregnant women in case of profuse redness of the mucous membrane of the throat and with the formation of obstruction of the bronchial ducts (accumulation of mucus). At the same time, for each stage of gestation, the most safe drug is selected:

1. Treatment of cough in pregnant women in the first trimester. During this period, the formation of the embryo takes place, the prerequisites for the formation of many internal organs are created. Therefore, in the first trimester, the most sparing anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs are selected:

  • Eucabal. It is a liquid herbal collection, the main components of which are plantain and thyme extracts. It quickly dilutes sputum and relieves coughing attacks.
  • Syrup "Althea Root". A mild antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent consisting only of natural ingredients. The syrup blocks the growth of viruses, relieves perspiration and itching in the throat, and also quickly dilutes viscous sputum for its easy discharge.
  • "Stodal." A popular pharmacy remedy for treating dry cough in pregnant women in the first trimester of natural mineral components: herbs, extracts. Effectively fights not only with dry, but also with wet cough, its periodic attacks.

2. Treatment of cough in pregnant women in the second trimester. At this time, the child forms the brain, autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular muscle. Therefore, the use of strong antitussive drugs is strictly prohibited. Instead, they are assigned complex anti-inflammatory syrups:

  • “Dr. Tyss. Plantain ”- plantain extract, a universal remedy that quickly removes inflammation and triggers natural immunity in the fight against viral infections.
  • “Prospank” for the treatment of cough of pregnant women of the 2nd trimester is a natural mucolytic, which is prescribed in the presence of asthma attacks or even vomiting at the time of the occurrence of a wet, dry chest cough. Not recommended for use without prescription by a doctor.

3. Treatment of severe coughing of a pregnant woman in the third trimester. At the final stage of bearing a child, a patient with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract can be prescribed even synthetic (fully artificial) syrups with antibiotics in the composition, the main thing is that the beneficial effect of their intake is higher than the harm of prolonged use of a more gentle drug based on natural components.

However, not all cases imply such an approach, in the presence of even minor problems with the bearing of the fetus, the treatment remains conservative and completely copies the scheme and purpose characteristic of the first or second trimester.

dry cough in a pregnant woman 1 trimester treatment


Pregnancy, especially in the later stages, is a 100% contraindication for taking many medications. However, painful phenomena, such as a runny nose, cough, fever can occur at any time, and simply ignoring the malaise, especially bearing a child, is simply impossible. You can also not self-medicate, because uncontrolled intake of potent drugs affects the development of the fetus.

Therefore, at the first signs of the onset of the disease, it is recommended to consult a antenatal clinic at the place of registration for a routine examination by a general practitioner specializing in work with pregnant and lactating women. In most cases, the local doctor prescribes safe or relatively safe tablets and suspensions for the treatment of dry cough in pregnant women, which affect the source of the problem, quickly stopping all the symptoms:

  1. “Mukaltin”, “Doctor Tyss with sage extract and vitamin C”, “Sinupret” - natural expectorant tablets. Shown in the 1-2 trimester of pregnancy in the absence of other pronounced symptoms of viral, inflammatory, bacterial infection.
  2. Ambroxol, Fluditec, Bromhexine are mucolytic drugs that stimulate the natural elimination of sputum from the lungs, as well as the inclusion of immune processes in the fight against harmful viruses and bacteria. Appointed in the 2-3 trimester as anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. At the final stage of pregnancy, the probability of harming the baby is significantly reduced, since most of all systems are already formed. Therefore, in order to quickly and effectively treat cough, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as “ACC”, “Linax”.
allergic cough in pregnant women treatment

Folk methods

To treat cough in pregnant women, you need to use natural remedies, they are safer than medications. When appointing any remedy, a specialist consultation is necessary.

In this case, different types of cough are treated with various folk remedies. The coughing process itself, namely cramping, can weaken or change the tone of the uterus. Therefore, the cough should be stopped at the shortest intervals of time, since this symptom is dangerous for a pregnant woman and her child, especially in late pregnancy.

For the treatment of cough in pregnant women in the first trimester, various decoctions of herbs are used, as well as tinctures that are sold in a pharmacy:

  1. You need to buy milk and put figs in it, cook until the milk changes color and turns brown. A glass of milk needs 1.5 pieces of figs. This broth is drunk hot half a glass three times a day.
  2. For 0.5 liters of water, 200 g. sugar, 1 tablespoon of honey and 250 gr. onion, mix all ingredients, cook for 3 hours. After the broth is ready, it must be stored in a cold place, drink one tablespoon every two hours in a warm form.
  3. 250 gr pour 0.5 l of boiling water into the bran, leave to infuse, then discard the thick, and take the decoction for treatment as necessary.
  4. Very well in the treatment of cough in pregnant women in the second trimester, a decoction of raisins helps. To do this, 100 gr. raisins pour 2 cups boiling water, this process can be carried out using a thermos. When infused, add a few tablespoons of juice from the onion. Drink at night, dividing the broth into several servings.
  5. It is necessary to take birch buds in the amount of 6 tbsp. tablespoons, chop, add 200 gr. put butter on a fire, cook for one hour. Then add 400 gr. drink honey 3-4 times a day.

Options for inhalation:

  • 0.5 l of hot water pour 40 g. sage, this infusion is used for inhalation.
  • 20 gr. dry leaves of eucalyptus, 4 cloves of garlic and 0.5l. boiling water, mix.
  • For 0.5 liters of water, 25 grams of soda.
  • For 0.5 l of hot water 20 gr. honey.

What folk remedies to gargle?

For the treatment of cough, pregnant women use folk remedies, like ready-made purchased solution in a pharmacy, and prepare solutions on their own. It is necessary to add soda and salt in water, 0.5 tsp each, 3 drops of iodine.

For rinsing the throat, decoctions of such herbs are well suited: eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula. A very good remedy is rinsing from natural apple cider vinegar (1 tsp. To 1 tbsp of water).

To achieve maximum results, it is necessary to use rinses, inhalations at the same time, take tinctures and decoctions from medicinal plants.

treatment of cough in pregnant women in the second trimester

What medications should not be taken for coughing during pregnancy?

The most commonly prescribed drugs in the fight against cough in an ordinary person in everyday life, can become categorically contraindicated during pregnancy. Any cough medicine for the expectant mother should be prescribed carefully. Prohibited drugs include the following.

1. Drugs with a strong mucolytic effect. Such a tool will provoke an increase in the tone of the uterine muscles and the development of premature birth. Such funds include:

  • anise;
  • syrup with ivy;
  • coltsfoot flowers;
  • liquorice root.

2. Means containing codeine and ethylmorphine. The following drugs are strictly prohibited:

  • Codelac
  • “ACC”;
  • "Broncholitin";
  • "Thermosol."

3. Means with thermopsis. The drugs have proven themselves in the market as effective antitussive agents. However, due to the occurrence of side effects, its use during pregnancy is not recommended. Side effects of thermopsis are nausea, vomiting, a slight increase in the tone of the uterus. The drug is strictly prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. These medicines include:

  • "Ambroxol";
  • "Bromhexine";
  • Stoptussin;
  • Flavamed.
cough milk


To prevent coughing, pregnant women should take good care of their health. To save yourself from unnecessary worries and respiratory tract disease, the following methods of prevention during pregnancy should be followed:

  1. Limit visits to places with a large crowd of people (shops, hospitals, transport), due to the risk of infection with a viral disease. If it is impossible to limit the visit to the institution, you should use oxolinic ointment or other fat-containing cream for the nasal mucosa.
  2. After visiting a crowded place, wash your nose and throat with saline or plain water, and wash your hands with soap and water. Ventilating the room and maintaining moderate humidity is also important.
  3. Daily ventilation should be at least an hour.
  4. Daily walks in the fresh air, the most useful will be a park or forest zone, due to the high content of volatile phytoncides in the air.
  5. Avoid hypothermia, especially lower limbs.
  6. Refuse to change climatic conditions.
  7. A balanced diet with the optimal intake of vitamins and minerals.
  8. Compliance with the regime of the day and rest. Daily night sleep should be at least 8 hours.
  9. At the first symptom of the disease (perspiration, sore throat), you should consult your doctor.

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