Almost everything about dog ear disease

Nowadays, many owners of four-legged pets know firsthand about ear ailments in their pets. Thus, according to foreign statistics, ear inflammation in dogs occupies a fifth of all diseases encountered in the veterinary service. Such a problem becomes especially relevant in the fall, although it is quite common in the summer.

Most often the dog is concerned about inflammation of the outer and middle ear. But diseases of the inner ear are less common.

Pathogens, bacteria and fungi cause ear disease in dogs. Most often, these are streptococci, staphylococci, fungi, anaerobic bacteria and microscopic skin mites. Such pathogenic microflora is often found in the animal’s body in a sleepy, latent form, and when certain favorable circumstances occur, it wakes up and gives an impetus to the development of otitis and other diseases. An allergic reaction to malnutrition or hypothermia can be the starting line.

Inflammation of the ear in a dog is very painful. It blushes and swells inside. The animal is lethargic, suffers from fever, shakes its head, tries to scratch a diseased organ and tilts its head towards a sick ear. At the beginning of the disease, a catarrhal clear liquid is released from it, which eventually turns into a purulent exudate. If left untreated in time, then the ear disease in dogs can lead to serious complications, up to inflammation of the brain, which often leads to the death of the animal.

To cure ear disease in dogs, a veterinarian must do this. And before turning to him a four-legged friend needs first aid. To do this, the external auditory meatus in the dog is thoroughly cleaned with a cotton swab moistened with vegetable or liquid paraffin. Then the sore spot is powdered with special powders, powders and contact the veterinary service. There they examine the animal, conduct a bacteriological analysis of the condition of the diseased ear. Based on the results, a suitable antibiotic, ointment, pain medication and other drugs are prescribed. Sometimes the doctor prescribes the imposition of special dressings or pus-tightening compresses. Very well with purulent inflammation, Vishnevsky ointment helps.

If, according to the results of a bacteriological analysis, an ear tick is found to be the culprit of ear disease in dogs, then the ears of a sick animal are also first thoroughly cleaned of dry scabs and crusts. Then they proceed to the treatment of both the patient and the healthy ear with an anti-scab composition. This can be Bars ear drops , and one, and amit, and decor, and other medicines. Depending on the weight of the animal, a dosage of drops is selected. Treatment is carried out twice a day for seven, ten days. After three, four weeks, the treatment course can be repeated.

Ear mites infect dogs through fleas, flies, or directly through contact with diseased tetrapods. However, ear disease in dogs has its own patterns and depends on the breed of the individual.

Very often, fold dogs, East European shepherds, poodles and cockers suffer from otitis. In shepherds, the wide open auditory canal is to blame, where dust with all kinds of bacteria easily flies. And with lop-eared pets, poor ventilation becomes the culprit of dog ailments. Rarely, ear disease occurs in animals with cropped or small erect ears.

The hereditary factor is also to blame for the ear inflammation in dogs. If the mother of the individual suffered from otitis media, then ailments with ears are quite possible in her puppies.

Do not forget that a periodic inspection of the animal in advance will save the dog from many diseases. To do this, she must be taught from childhood to ear cleaning and other hygiene procedures. Today you can use Vetzim drops and special preventive powders to choose your hosts. The main thing is not to overdo it and not disturb the healthy microflora in the dog’s ear. And the animal, having had otitis media, it is advisable to show the veterinarian once a year and strictly observe its useful recommendations.

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