Can I get the flu shot pregnant?

Most girls worry about getting the flu shots for pregnant women, do they really need it? Of course, every expectant mother wants to protect herself and her child from all kinds of infections and diseases. In this article you will find the answer to the question: “Can pregnant women be vaccinated against flu?” and a number of contraindications for vaccination.

flu shot for pregnant

What is the disease dangerous for women in the situation?

Every expectant mother is worried about getting the flu vaccine for pregnant women, since it is this virus that can cause great harm to the body. The disease, if diagnosed and treated incorrectly, can result in death or disability. Women in the position are at risk, and therefore they should know if they get a flu shot for pregnant women and how do they do it at all?

Is it possible for pregnant women to get the flu shot?

The virus is also considered dangerous because of the fact that, as soon as a new life is born in the girl’s body, the protective functions are slightly weakened. Because of this, most expectant mothers during the period of pregnancy suffer from colds. Acute respiratory viral infection is not as dangerous as the flu. If the girl became ill with the virus at an early stage, placental abruption is possible. In addition, the transferred disease is fraught with pathologies for the baby in the future.

Flu prevention

There are several ways to protect yourself and your future baby from the risk of getting sick. To do this, observe hand hygiene. In crowded places, transport, hospitals, a woman in a position should wear a mask. It needs to be changed after a couple of hours, otherwise there will be no effectiveness from its use. A pregnant girl should limit herself to frequent visits to supermarkets and shops, as they are a place of accumulation of a large number of infections. You can catch the infection by airborne droplets, so you should avoid communicating with sick people.

The best and most common method of protection against the virus is considered to be a vaccination against influenza in pregnant women. Another way to protect yourself and the future baby from infection has not yet been invented.

Can pregnant women get a flu shot?

This question, as mentioned, worries most women in the situation. In the absence of contraindications for vaccination, of course, they do. Experts abroad say that pregnant women can get a flu shot at any time. One of the main conditions is that you should not vaccinate the expectant mother during the epidemic. This is explained by the fact that after the procedure, protection against infection begins to work only after three weeks.

Do flu shots get pregnant?

Can I get a flu shot for pregnant women in Russia? How are things here? Doctors say that vaccination should be started from the second trimester of pregnancy. Specialists are against vaccinations at the beginning of the development of the fetus due to the fact that it is at this moment that organs are formed. For some babies in the womb, this procedure may not work well. In this case, you should not risk the health and development of the fetus.

Doctors advise sure to get flu shots for pregnant women, who often get respiratory infections, since the virus can lead to serious complications for the unborn baby.

Contraindications for influenza vaccination

Vaccination against a viral infection is not given if there are a number of restrictions. Before the procedure, a specialist examines a girl. After its approval, vaccination can be done. But there are several contraindications for which you should not be vaccinated against flu for pregnant women:

can be vaccinated against flu pregnant

  • individual intolerance to egg white is one of the reasons. The vaccine itself is made from this component, therefore, people with an allergy to it can have a serious danger to life, both for the mother herself and the child;
  • upper respiratory tract infection during the vaccination period is also a major limitation. If you still make an injection, there may be a significant deterioration in the patient's well-being, which also affects the condition of the fetus;
  • the previously vaccinated girl in position was very difficult to tolerate. In this case, you can refuse to carry out the procedure;
  • some flu vaccines are not used for girls in the position because they can be harmful to the health of a person who has low immunity.

In case of problems with the functioning of the adrenal glands and problems with the nervous system, additional consultation with a specialist will be required.

What could be the consequences and adverse reactions after vaccination?

As a rule, flu shots of any category of citizens are given free of charge in any hospital. Most girls in the position tolerate her well. Therefore, reviews about the flu vaccine for pregnant women are very good. A considerable number of expectant mothers do not regret the procedure at all. Immunity in this case is developed within three to four weeks after vaccination.

Can pregnant women get the flu shot?

But, of course, there are a number of negative side reactions. After the injection, a slight swelling or rash may appear. Typically, these symptoms themselves disappear after a few days. Therefore, you should not particularly worry about this, but of course you need to inform and appear to the specialist. Independent actions in relation to an adverse reaction do not need to be taken. The doctor himself will say what to do in this situation. Most antiallergic drugs during pregnancy are prohibited.

There is also a slight increase in body temperature after a flu shot. Experts advise to rest as much as possible during this period, since the body develops immunity to infection. When the temperature is above 37.5 degrees, you must consult a doctor. You can take a febrifuge such as Paracetamol. The rest of the drugs should not be drunk.

How to protect the future baby?

A specialist usually advises a girl in a position to get a flu shot. Of course, she can refuse her. This is an individual matter of each person. But how does influenza vaccination affect a child? An injection given to a pregnant woman helps to strengthen the fetal immunity.

flu vaccine pregnant reviews

Most people are convinced that the vaccine is harmful to the baby. It's not like that at all. When an infection that is not yet activated enters the body, it spreads through the blood. This virus enters the baby through the placenta. Thus, immunity is strengthened in two people. This kind of protection remains with the baby for six months after birth. That is, for about six months you do not need to vaccinate a child against influenza.

What kind of fears does a woman have with regard to flu vaccination?

Until recently, pregnant girls doubt whether to be vaccinated or not. They read a lot of literature on this subject. They also listen to the opinions of experts. After analyzing the literature, we can conclude that vaccination is necessary and necessary.

Do you get a flu shot for pregnant women?

In addition, they say that every year the flu virus is different, so it is considered useless. This is also a misconception. Usually people who don’t want to get vaccinated spread such rumors. There is such a thing as cross-immunity. Yes, viruses change every season, but they come from the same microorganisms. If you suddenly get a new type of infection, then you will transfer it much easier than the rest.

Important vaccination information

There are several types of flu shots. For example, the intranasal live vaccine is not used for pregnant women, as there is a high risk. An inactive virion inoculation is usually dripped into the nose. Split as well as subunit viruses are done intramuscularly. They have antigens. The newest virosomal vaccine is considered.

As you can see, each specialist will prescribe you the right vaccine. And you should not doubt its effectiveness and reliability.

Typically, women in position are given split and subunit vaccines. They are well studied and tested. An injection that is given to a pregnant girl will not entail the development of any defects in the unborn child. But you need to remember that the injection is done at a strictly specified time, with the correct dosage of the drug and in the absence of contraindications. In addition, in this vaccine there is such a substance that enhances immunity, which is a necessary moment for a woman in position.

Tips for Pregnant Women About Flu Vaccination

Whether to be vaccinated at a time when the girl is in a position, of course, is her personal affair. Injection is not mandatory for all categories of citizens, but there are people who are highly recommended for such injections. Experts say that you should take care of your health in advance. If you and your husband are planning a pregnancy soon, you should get a flu shot in advance. In this case, you don’t have to think already in the position to administer or not to introduce the vaccine against the virus.

But one of the main tips is that after you have been vaccinated against the flu not yet pregnant, you need to plan the conception of the future baby in the next cycle. You can get more accurate information on this from your gynecologist.

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