How to increase FPS in Var Thunder: tips and tricks

Performance problems in games are usually associated with insufficient RAM consumption or poor computer optimization. War Thunder is one of those products that have become famous among gamers for their lags and crashes. As a rule, after the first complaints, the developers hastened to release a patch that optimized the game by almost 30%, but not all players had problems with FPS subsidence after that were resolved. What could be the reason for the loss of frame rate even on powerful computers and how to increase the FPS in the Var Thunder?

Poor system optimization

In most cases, this problem is the main cause of performance loss in computer games. Most novice users completely forget that various background processes and tasks can consume a huge amount of RAM. Because of this, the game simply lacks RAM during battles or even at the launch stage. How to increase FPS in Var Thunder to play the shooter as comfortable as possible?

Do-it-yourself laptop optimization.

To get started, it is recommended to open the task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and see how much your system is loaded if all applications are turned off. To do this, go to the "Processes" tab and see how much percent of RAM the processor consumes. The optimal indicator should not exceed 5% - the reverse situation indicates the presence of malicious processes that must be disabled.

The presence of viruses in the computer

To raise the FPS in the Var Thunder, sometimes it is not enough just to turn off the process that consumes computer resources. If there is malicious program code (virus) inside the operating system, then you just won’t get rid of it. Most likely, the administrator will not have access to close it or it will simply start a few seconds after the task is removed.

A virus was detected on the computer.

In this case, antivirus programs come to the rescue, which are able to scan the entire system for problems and fix them with one click on the button. We strongly recommend downloading the antivirus from the official website of the developers. Otherwise, the user runs the risk of bringing to his computer an even more malicious program that will transfer his personal data to third parties.

How is it with mechanical cleaning?

Thinking about what to do to increase the FPS in the Var Thunder? In some cases, loss of performance is caused by overheating of the main components due to poor operation of the cooling system. Identifying such a problem is quite simple - you just need to download and run a special program that measures the temperature of the processor, graphics editor, RAM and so on. The most convenient tool is Speccy - an ideal option for an inexperienced user and IT specialist.

Cleaning the computer from dust.

If the program shows that the temperature of a device during the game exceeds the permissible value, it will be necessary to mechanically clean the computer. We unscrew the housing cover, then carefully disconnect the components and blow them off the dust with a compressor. If the processor overheats, be sure to replace the thermal grease. After the procedure, we collect the computer and repeat the diagnosis.

Old drivers for the video card

To increase the FPS in the Var Thunder, sometimes it is enough to update the graphics driver, because if you install too old a version, the video card may work unstably. It will be enough to go to the website of the company that is engaged in the production of components and go to the "Drivers" section. After that, it remains to choose the kind of operating system, as well as the model and series of the video card that is used for the game.

Powerful gaming graphics card.

What to do to the person who does not know the name of the graphic card? Just go to the device manager and go to the "Video Adapters" section. In it you will find the exact name of your device, after which you can download the driver. However, there is an alternative option - just download a special program that will determine the name of the video card and download the latest drivers. You can find such a utility on the site with the drivers.

What is a cache and how to clean it?

Have you been using a computer for a long time to visit various sites on the Internet? Then you will almost certainly spend part of the RAM on maintaining the information in your browser’s cache. The history of visiting sites, passwords, cookies and other unnecessary information located in temporary storage can consume a huge amount of RAM and cause serious discomfort during the game, not only in online games, but also "loners".

CCleaner icon.

To clear the cache, you can use special utilities that will save the computer from various "garbage" and will maintain its performance at the maximum level in the future. For example, a very good option is the CCleaner program, which is loved by many owners of gaming computers and laptops. Just install the utility; scan the system - the program itself will eliminate all unnecessary information.

Game Graphics Settings

You can increase the FPS in the Var Thunder using the settings of the game itself. Of course, every gamer wants to play with maximum detail and rendering, but when it comes to choosing between picture quality and good performance, it is better to give preference to the second option, especially when you consider that this is an online game in which even a second of delay can cost a loss.

Screenshot from Var Thunder.

To increase the FPS in Var Thunder, you should first lower the quality of the textures from maximum to just high. In addition, it is highly recommended that you turn off vertical synchronization and anti-aliasing, since it is these functions that most often reduce the computer's performance in the game. But the resolution is best left untouched, since this will lead to a serious deterioration in the quality of the graphics and almost no effect on the number of FPS.


As you can see, there are many ways to help increase the FPS in Var Thunder. Using at least half of them, you will significantly increase computer performance, making playing an online shooter much more comfortable. However, if not one of the above tips did not suit you, then we recommend replacing the old PC components with more modern ones. Many gamers are trying to accomplish the impossible by launching the 2012 game on devices that have been considered obsolete for about 10 years. Var Thunder constantly develops various graphic innovations that significantly improve the visual component, but load the RAM. Therefore, do not think that the game, released 7 years ago, will work without FPS sinking on legacy devices.

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