At what age can a child be given persimmon? Product Benefits

All parents are undoubtedly concerned about the nutrition of the child. When the first feeding is introduced, the mother raises many different questions regarding the period during which this or that product can be given. In this article, we will talk about a winter fruit called persimmon. It is seasonal and in the cold season is available to all people. Let us examine in detail at what age a child can be given persimmon. How useful is this fruit and when should you completely abandon its use?

at what age can persimmon be given to a child

Beneficial features

Before you know at what age a child can be given persimmons, you need to understand what it is useful for. Persimmon contains many vitamins and other necessary substances.

A large amount of vitamin C helps children cope with colds. Also, the fruit enhances immunity. Natural sugars (fructose and glucose), which are part of the fruit, increase working capacity and improve brain activity.

The fruit contains vitamins P and A, due to which blood circulation is normalized and blood vessels are strengthened. During the growth period of the child, these substances are simply necessary.

In addition, persimmon contains calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. These substances help strengthen the bones and nervous system of the child, as well as improve digestion and remove various non-useful substances from the body.

persimmons for children from what age can eat

It can not be said about iron, manganese, iodine and pectin, which are found in sufficient quantities in fruits. That is why persimmon is so useful for children. From what age you can eat this fruit, you will learn further.

When to introduce fruits into the general diet of children?

So, at what age can a child be given persimmon? It is worth saying that the decision depends on the parents. Many caring mothers try to introduce the baby to such a healthy fruit as early as possible. This is not entirely correct.

Experts recommend including it in the diet at the age of two to four years. Before, it is not recommended to introduce persimmons into the diet due to the fact that it contains substances that can lead to intestinal obstruction.

If the child has health problems that are associated with digestion, then you should defer acquaintance with the new fruit until five years. It was by this time that the work of the digestive tract and excretory system was fully established.

It is worth completely abandoning the use of persimmons in the event that the child has diabetes. Due to the contained sugars, it can worsen the baby's condition. Also refrain from introducing this fruit into the diet if the child suffers from constipation. Persimmon has a firming effect. Quite often it is prescribed for diarrhea. That is why it can only worsen the condition of the baby.

at what age can persimmons be given to a child

How to introduce a child to a new fruit?

So, we found out at what age a child can be given persimmon. Fruits should be introduced gradually, starting with small pieces. Carefully monitor the reaction of the body, since persimmon is an allergen.

For the baby, it is worth choosing only ripe fruits that do not have an astringent effect. You can also try giving your baby dried fruit. It should be borne in mind that some useful substances and vitamins may be lost.

when a child can give persimmons

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know at what age a child can be given persimmon. If you have any questions and doubts about the baby's nutrition, you need to consult a pediatrician, and not listen to the advice of relatives and knowledgeable girlfriends. Feed your baby deliciously, properly and fully. In this case, he will grow up healthy and strong.

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