Often, parents are faced with the fact that their children, who initially had great expectations, suddenly change dramatically. It often happens that at two years old the child already knows the letters, colors, as well as a lot of other information that his peers cannot boast of. Children read poetry and behave perfectly at home, but suddenly, as soon as they go to school, the situation changes.
As a rule, in this case, fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers begin to panic and most often go to a psychologist with the same problem: the child is learning poorly, what should I do? In the worst case, they begin to use a belt and physical punishment for a child who categorically refuses to behave well in an educational institution. However, you need to understand that such measures will not help change the attitude of the child to school. In this case, you need to look for a reason much deeper. Therefore, it is worth turning to the recommendations of psychologists who are not the first time faced with a similar problem.
So, if a child does not study well at school, what should be done in this situation? First of all, you need to understand the causes of the problem.
Developmental delay
According to recent studies, in 20% of cases of such behavior, the cause of poor performance in school is brain cell dysfunction. Most often, mental retardation occurs in schoolchildren who were born in dysfunctional families. If the baby's mother drank a lot of alcohol during pregnancy, then this could provoke the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome. Also, inhibited development may result from traumatic brain injuries or serious mental shocks. Also, transferred infectious diseases, which proceeded in a severe form, could contribute to this. In this case, children do not study well for no apparent reason.
The fact is that doctors can not always immediately identify a developmental delay in a child at an early stage. This is because little babies from birth love to learn. They want to learn new information and try to absorb everything new like a sponge. That is why at a young age they can perfectly know letters, poems and much more. However, later difficulties begin to appear with the storage of information, as well as with the simplest analysis in certain situations. Such children cannot cope with ordinary algebraic formulas or learn a verse.
In this case, do not blame the baby. Instead, it is worth considering whether the child can study poorly due to developmental delays. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist to clarify the presence of this problem.
Disease and possible disorders
If the child is inattentive and poorly studying, then this is not a sign of his rebellion. The receipt, perception and processing of information can be disrupted due to the many ailments that can occur in the body of a child.
The most common problem is poor eyesight. The fact is that it is more difficult for children who do not see very well to read blackboards, respectively, they get tired faster. They are forced to lean closer to the notebook, in this case an additional load is created on the spine.
Also, the most common problems include bad hearing. If a child is very hard of hearing, he cannot always correctly understand what the teacher explains to him. In this case, a complete violation of the perception of information occurs.
Learning problems can also occur in children who have autism. In this case, the kids simply simply can’t concentrate correctly on the information, they very often switch their attention from one subject to another.
In addition, learning difficulties may arise due to diseases such as dyslexia and dysgraphia. If the baby does not see any difference between letters and symbols, then his brain will not be able to process the information in the necessary way.
Family problem
If we talk about why children do not study well at school, then it is worth paying attention to this problem. You need to understand that children are the most impressionable. Any conflicts or tragic events in the family can leave a huge imprint on the psychology of a young child. If his parents are constantly quarreling, and the baby sees and hears it, then very soon it will be possible to notice that the child has become worse at school, as it is more difficult for him to concentrate.
When his head is full of only disturbing thoughts and worries about the well-being of his family, he will not be able to completely immerse himself in the necessary material, which the teacher explains.
Lack of pre-school education
Before going to school, many children attend extra classes. Preschool education plays a huge role in a child’s performance. If he cannot correctly form the features of his behavior and how the learning process really happens, then he will not be able to relate to school life with the necessary attention. This is especially worth considering if you plan to send your child to study at a lyceum, in which programs are usually much more complicated than in typical district schools.
Therefore, a lot depends on preliminary preparation. If a child does not study well at school, then perhaps he has not learned to adapt to the fact that he is forced to be in the same room with completely strangers for a long time while learning new information.
Excessive parental requirements and large overloads
Very often, parents try to realize their dreams through their beloved child. By and large, they believe that the child is a certain project, which must be successful. That is why adults begin to show too much perseverance and exactingness in relation to babies. They evaluate them by school grades, and not by emotional qualities.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with trying to grow a comprehensive personality from a child, but in this endeavor you should not overdo it, since in this case you will have to face the problem of why the child is not studying well.
If the baby will constantly engage in all kinds of circles and sections, then he will experience huge overloads. It is imperative that children be given the opportunity to rest and be a little who they are. Kids should participate in social life not only through classes in sports sections, but also in a free atmosphere. Psychological stress can also lead to the fact that the brain of a young child simply cannot process the huge amount of information that is fed to him daily. In this case, if the child does not study well, what to do is quite obvious. It is necessary to free his schedule a little.
Psychological difficulties
Starting from a very young age, the child learns to build relationships with the outside world in the right way. If during this period he did not have the opportunity to socialize, then he is likely to encounter a huge number of difficulties. Children who rarely walk and spend more time at home are much more difficult to find the right approach to their peers and classmates. In this case, it is not surprising that the child began to study poorly. What to do in such a situation? Try to spend as much time with the baby as possible and try to find friends for him.
Temperament Features
Some children study poorly, as they are characterized by increased shyness, so it is difficult for them to actively act, answer at the blackboard or recite poems in the presence of a large number of people. Other babies, by contrast, may be overconfident. In this case, they will be sure that they simply do not need to prepare their homework.
Very often in childhood, babies are jokingly called stupid or some other carefree at first glance words. However, very often a child perceives this as a call to action and becomes the person with whom he is compared.
If a child does not study well at school, then this may be the reason. This explanation is found today more and more. In this case, the child most likely has a sufficient amount of time, he lives an active social life, he has friends and, by and large, has all the prerequisites in order to study well in school. Most often, such children are not deprived of mental abilities, but, on the contrary, show increased ingenuity and the ability to think logically. However, such people are simply too lazy to devote time to studying new material or preparing homework. Very often, young schoolchildren simply copy the behavior of one of the parents.
Conflict situations
Very often, the reason that children do not study well at school is caused by possible quarrels with one of their classmates or even with the teacher himself. And it happens that teachers begin to find fault with the child too much, and he "turns on the self-defense mode." In this case, the student deliberately stops doing homework and behaves the same way as with his parents, being wicked and naughty.
Perhaps the problem is that one of his classmates mocks him or constantly laughs. In this case, the children become very self-enclosed and stop doing homework so as not to provoke bullying by their peers once again.
Transition period
At the age of 12-13 years, active puberty begins. At this stage, adolescents become interested in the opposite sex and behave more impulsively or aggressively towards others. Interests change, new hobbies appear, and children study poorly.
And if it came to falling in love, then "write is gone." During this period, it is very difficult for children to concentrate on studying at a time when their heads are full of objects of adoration. Therefore, at this age it is very important not to overdo it, you do not need to "push" on a young child. You need to understand that during this period of time the child is maximally interested in the new feelings that he discovers for himself. Therefore, you need to try to concentrate on explaining the key points of the relationship between a man and a woman.
How to help your child with school?
You need to understand that, starting from the 1st grade to the 11th, it is the parent who must help his child get an education. In order not to become an enemy for the baby, it is necessary to follow several important rules.
First of all, you need to find contact with the child. It is necessary to become a friend for him, and not a monster, which only require a positive assessment. No need to hide your warm feelings towards the child. If he does not feel love in the family, then most likely he will throw out all his negativity at school.
In addition, it is very important to evaluate not the school grades themselves, but the fact that the child really sought to gain knowledge. If the kid painstakingly did his homework and tried his best, but at the same time got the three, you do not need to scold him, on the contrary, it is better to praise him for his efforts and try to explain to him that next time he can get an excellent mark.
Also do not forget about motivation. In this case, the child should not be threatened with any physical violence if a bad mark is obtained. Physical punishment is the worst fear for any person. In this case, there is a great risk of raising a notorious or, conversely, very aggressive or unsociable person.
Good grades do not guarantee success in adulthood
If a child does not study well, the reasons can be very diverse. However, you need to understand that good school grades are not a guarantee that a child will live a happy life and become a famous scientist.
According to research by psychiatrists, not all excellent students turn into successful people. Very often, because of the stress that the child experiences in childhood, at a more conscious age, he tries to relax as much as possible. As a result, lazy people and alcoholics grow out of such people. The opposite situation happens with those who studied, on the contrary, it is very bad. Having not fully realized their abilities in the school years, matured adolescents begin active work. They find interesting hobbies and really realize themselves as full-fledged individuals.
For example, Albert Einstein could boast of good grades only in mathematics. In all other subjects, it was a complete failure. However, this did not prevent him from becoming a famous scientist, whose name today is known to absolutely every person on earth.
Marilyn Monroe did not know grammar at all. Almost all of her letters contain a fantastic amount of errors. However, this did not prevent her from becoming the most famous actress and legendary personality.
And the inventor Thomas Edison at school was considered by all to be mentally retarded. There are thousands more examples of successful people who were able to become millionaires, scientists, ingenious specialists and actors, although at the same time they studied at school below average, and some did not receive a certificate at all.
You need to understand that, regardless of how high the child’s academic performance is, he has the same chance of becoming a successful person or, conversely, sinking to the bottom. It all depends not on the grades that he receives, but on that experience and the knowledge received from his parents. If a child does not see love and a normal relationship with himself, then he is unlikely to succeed in becoming a good person.