Very often, the photographer, processing the picture, notices the disproportionate facial features of the model. During artistic retouching, you can edit not only the background, but also details such as the nose. And also many Instagram users like to create perfect photos. The answer to the question of how to reduce the nose in Photoshop is described in this article.
Free transformation of an object
Before you start directly to reduce the nose, you need to prepare the original photo. As with any processing, you need to upload a snapshot and create a copy of it. By right-clicking on the thumbnail of the image, select the function "Create a duplicate layer." On it, further work will be carried out.
After that, you need to take the "Random Selection" tool and circle the whole nose, while not taking too much space, but you also don’t need to draw along the contour. The same can be done using any other tool, at this step it does not matter - what, but important - what to highlight. To reduce the nose in Photoshop as naturally as possible is the initial task.
Tip: it is best to hold on the skin of the face so that both dark and light areas near the nose are captured. Such a selection will allow avoiding too sharp a border, which means that it will save time.
Nose reduction
After the object is completely drawn, you need to right-click and select "Warp". And now the wings of the nose carry closer to the eyes and to each other. This step is creative, and it is necessary to do as it tells the photographer’s imagination. There is no clear instruction. But despite all this, the picture should remain natural, if you go too far with changing and reducing the nose, the photo will lose its attractiveness.
And also, to smooth the borders, you need to apply the effect of shading the edges. To do this, press the key combination Shift + F6 and set the desired value. In this case, 3 pixels were selected, but each processing process is individual. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to reduce the nose in Photoshop is sketchy.
Smoothing bumps
Despite all efforts, although not in large numbers, there are skin inconsistencies. It’s very easy to remove them. First you need to create a merged layer, you can do this using the hot command Ctrl + Shift + Alt + U.
The next step is to mask the transition, there are several ways to do this.
- The first, with the help of the "Restoring Brush", is slightly flattened in diameter. It remains only to click on the shortcomings, and they themselves will disappear. This method does not always work, since Photoshop is not a perfect intellect, and there are misses. But in order to reduce the nose in “Photoshop” as naturally as possible, such actions are suitable.
- The second method is called manual, for it you will need a soft brush stamp. It is enough to bring the transition closer, and you can begin work. Holding the Alt button, you need to click on the place from which the example will be taken. And after that it is necessary to carry out on a problem site. So the selected pixels are duplicated and change the irregularities. That's all, the nose looks very natural and elegant.
How to reduce nose in Photoshop CS6
In the latest versions of the program, a new function has appeared that allows you to modify any part of the body and instrument. Using the "Plastic" filter, you can not only reduce the nose, but also increase the lips, highlight the cheekbones and the waist. Moreover, this is done very quickly, and after such a change, nothing needs to be corrected.
To get started, you need to open the "Filter" menu and select the "Plastic" item. A new window will open in which you need to carry out all the steps. It is worth noting that each action is a creative moment, so you should not focus on any specific settings.
Most importantly, do not work with huge brushes. It is better to bring the problem area closer and correct all the flaws with a small diameter tool. So the work will look much more natural, without waves. There are different ways to reduce your nose in Photoshop, but the most important thing is not how to make such an effect, the result itself is important.
Improvement of black and white drawing
Very often, when changing lines on the face, some nuances disappear, which are very easy to restore. To draw new shadows and lights, first you need to create a new layer with the blending option "Soft Light". Taking a soft brush of white color, you need to draw on the face all the places where the glare should be, and highlight the shadows in black. After the contouring is completed, you can change the opacity slider to the desired percentage.
In fact, you can reduce the nose in Photoshop on the phone, as well as on the computer, the steps will be exactly the same.