Baby Birth Payouts 2011: New Rates

The appearance of a child requires a lot of strength from parents in order to provide him with decent conditions. After all, a child must not only be loved, but also be kept in material terms. A young mother, who for the first time after the birth of a baby cannot work, finds herself in a rather difficult situation. Therefore, in this situation, the state assumes part of the responsibility to help put the born man on his feet.

The state establishes payments at the birth of a child in 2011, which are received by his (or their) parents. The size of these payments is periodically changed. The last such change was laid down by the law of December 13, 2010 “On the federal budget 2011”, which changed the payment rates, setting the indexation level of existing benefits to 1,065. Therefore, in 2011 state payments for children increased slightly. The new benefit sizes came into effect on January 1, 2011.

Payments at birth 2011

1. Maternity allowance.

Mom receives it in total for the entire maternity leave, which is a total of 140 days.

In the event of a difficult birth or the appearance of several babies at the same time, the leave is automatically extended. The mother who worked before the birth of the child receives a benefit corresponding to 100% of the average earnings. To do this, you need to be registered at the workplace for at least six months. If the experience is less, mom can apply for a minimum wage. To receive such benefits, you must provide a document on disability. You need to apply for benefits within six months after the end of the vacation. The amount of benefits for unemployed mothers today is 412 rubles 8 kopecks in one month.

In addition, working women (including students and service workers) who are registered in early pregnancy receive a lump sum in the amount of 438 rubles 87 kopecks.

2. One-time allowance at birth for a child in the amount of 11,703 rubles 13 kopecks. If at least one parent works, then the benefit is received at the place of work, if both are unemployed, you should contact the RUSZN.

The so-called “maternity capital” is also related to birth benefits. The receipt of this capital is accompanied by a state certificate. Since the beginning of this year, the amount of maternity capital has been 365700 rubles. Parents can spend the third part of the amount (12,000 rubles) immediately after receiving it for any purpose.

There are also several recurring allowances paid monthly over a period.

3. Payments for child care .

They are carried out until children reach the age of six months. For a working mother, this allowance will be 40% of average earnings. For other categories, payments were established in the amount of 2194.33 rubles for the first baby, 4388, 67 rubles for the second and subsequent children. This is the only allowance, the amount of which was recounted in 2011 not in favor of young parents, which caused a middle wave of excitement.

4. Monthly child support . This payment is established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation independently and therefore depends directly on the place of residence of the mother.

Thus, payments at the birth of a child in 2011 generally increased proportionally compared to similar payments last year, which should have a positive effect on the financial condition of young parents.

Keep in mind that receiving payments at the birth of a child in 2011 is possible only after the mother’s personal appeal to the social protection authorities. In order to avoid any problems with payments, all applications for them and the required documents must be submitted within the time limit established by law.

To receive benefits, you need to collect the following documents:

- statement;

- a certificate in the form of No. 24 from the registry office on birth;

- a certificate from the place of the parent, as well as social protection authorities that the second spouse did not receive benefits;

- A copy of a passport or other identification document ;

- extracts from a labor or other document from the last place of work.

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