Strategies about the Ancient World: list, game approach, reviews

Game genres have recently become so diverse that it is hard to imagine what awaits us next. But with the advent of new gaming projects, nobody forgets about the old ones either. Strategies about the Ancient World are still popular. And it is especially pleasant for gamers when developers do not forget about this genre and release new items.

About the genre

So, strategies are games in which gamers need to use strategic thinking. Moreover, in this case, it is not necessary to have a quick reaction and make decisions with lightning speed. Strategies can be different, so there is a certain classification.

Varieties of time strategies

During its existence, the genre has a huge number of variations. Moreover, some may not even remind much of a strategy. Historical PC games are perhaps the most popular since they offer the player to plunge into a completely different world.

Strategies can be classified according to the time of the gameplay. For example, there are turn-based, hybrid and real-time.

Turn-based strategies usually require the player patience and a lot of time. They have a sequence, which, in turn, seems to many a distraction. Since the player has to wait for the opponent to move, at some point he may simply get bored. The dynamics of the gameplay is lost, so this type is unpopular.

Hybrids are a type of strategy that has tried to decide on priority and long wait. In order not to wait more than an hour for the opponent’s move, it was suggested that the players make a move at the same time, after which the game independently collected all the data and produced the final result.

Real-time strategies are dynamic and proactive. Despite the fact that a person has time to think, the gameplay itself is fast and does not get bored.

Varieties of gameplay strategies

Strategies about the Ancient World have proven quite popular due to their diversity. In this genre, several subgenres, or, relatively speaking, types, can be distinguished.

Famous were the classic designs. Of course, it was not easy to come up with special characteristics for such games, but time contributed to this. Therefore, the classical type involves the accumulation of resources, the construction of buildings, units that become a combat unit, a variety of materials and the economy. All this together works to ensure that the player can develop and pump.

Online strategies can partially have the characteristics of classic projects, but their main feature is the game of several gamers via the Internet. Among them, browser versions have also become popular.

Economic strategies are perhaps the most complex. In this case, usually the game does not have a military area, and the player does not need to work on units and the army as a whole. All that is needed is a stable economy. Although in this variety of strategies, military battles for territory are not accidental. There is also an online version of the economic game.

PC strategies about the ancient world

Wargames are the opposite of economic. The main thing for the player is working on the army and studying military strategies. To play, you do not need to count money or think about resources. The important thing is not participation, but only victory.

Global strategies include the Ancient World. This type involves the study of entire civilizations that have already disappeared in reality. The player needs to remember the following factors: economy, politics, culture, military affairs, society, and much more.

Finally, MOBA also applies to different types of strategies. A vivid example of this genre is Dota 2. There are two teams on a special map, each with an equal number of players. Each gamer selects a character from the list to join the battle. Throughout the match, everyone pumps his hero, improves his abilities and tries to destroy enemy buildings.

Strategy Examples

Of course, over the entire existence of this genre, a huge number of projects have appeared. Historical strategy games on PCs were especially popular. Therefore, now it seems very difficult to choose from the huge list of the most suitable options.

It is often easier to decide if you find on the Internet any top historical strategies. But here it is worthwhile to understand that for each gamer he will be his own. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of varieties of strategies: someone loves turn-based gameplay, someone likes solving political issues, and someone even wants to go into space in order to capture foreign civilizations.

It is better if the tops of historical strategies on a PC are a regular list, without assigning someone a specific place. In this case, everyone can find a game for themselves, not relying on the fact that it is in tenth place, and not in first.

Thanks to the following list of games, you can go to conquer Ancient Rome or Greece, visit the Middle Ages or even try to capture the world alone or with the help of great rulers.

  • Age of Empires;
  • Stronghold;
  • Civilization
  • Total war
  • "Cossacks";
  • Europa Universalis;
  • Pax romana;
  • Praetorians;
  • Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War;
  • Knights of Honor;
  • Crusader Kings;
  • "Golden Horde";
  • Imperium Romanum;
  • Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient Greece.

In this list there are both domestic projects and foreign ones. Games carry the gamer to Ancient Rome, Greece, Medieval England, Russia, etc.

Age of Empires Reviews

This is a series of strategy games about the Ancient World and other periods of world history. The first episode of the same name appeared for the first time in 1997. She carried the gamer to the Stone Age, ending in the Iron Age. Later, an addition to the game came out, in which the story was about the formation of the Roman Empire.

The second part of the project spoke about the medieval period, the third - about the New Age. But still, it was the second one that turned out to be the most attractive for lovers of strategies about the Ancient World.

Age of empires

Users were pleased that they could choose one of 16 civilizations. The missions were interesting and helped players achieve success on their territory. We were satisfied with the availability of a large number of resources and the universal economic system. Negative reviews affected only the fact that the developers abandoned the project and lost interest in it.

Stronghold: reviews

This is another popular series of historical computer strategy games. Players left a lot of positive feedback about the realism of the medieval world. The project simulated the construction, assault or defense of the castle. Also, the players were interested in developing the population.

Gamers praised the fact that the entire series is an interesting story. The storyline is tied to the same characters. Of course, the first two parts were the most successful. Subsequent received negative reviews regarding the graphics and gameplay, which did not really change.

Civilization: reviews

The best historical strategies definitely include this series of games. Its peculiarity is that it covers several types at once: global turn-based strategy, 4 × 4, open world wargame.

Game civilization

Players who are particularly interested in the Ancient World praised the first parts most of all. It is with them that acquaintance with that period begins. The advantages of this project are its multitasking: it is necessary to manage the economy, politics, the army, trade and research.

Negative reviews touched on too complex gameplay. Some could not figure out the strategy. If you have never played games of this genre, then this project is not the best way to start.

Total War: reviews

An interesting historical strategy game, released in 2000. Almost every series tells the story of a particular period. The first part is devoted to Japan of the 16th century, the second to the Middle Ages, the third to the Roman Empire. By the way, it was the third game that turned out to be the most popular. Players left most reviews about her.

What did they like? The main feature of the project is large-scale battles. It was all sorts of fights that pleased gamers. They were also pleased that they could famously turn the tide of historical events and virtually rewrite history. Not everyone was happy that the game combines a turn-based strategy with a game in real time.

Total war

"Cossacks": user opinions

Ukrainian developers worked on this series. During its existence, 6 projects were submitted. The first appeared in 2001 and immediately conquered all the players. They left positive feedback regarding different types of games: you can participate in campaigns, single-player missions or tasks on random maps. One of the campaigns is the period of the war with the Tatars, Poles of the Commonwealth.

Of course, it’s not easy to call this project a strategy about the Ancient World on a PC, since a gamer falls into the 17th century. Nevertheless, this period is already quite far from us, so it's worth telling about the game.

The players liked the large amount of available resources and, in principle, the time at which everything happens. Many praised the thoughtful atmosphere and historical accuracy. The project received negative feedback when the third part came out. Many were eagerly awaiting a real sequel, but instead received a remake that was not as worthwhile as the first two episodes.

Europa Universalis: reviews

This is a great example of a global PC strategy about the Ancient World and other historical periods. Most positive reviews relate to reliability and the strategic component. The game is very difficult, but interesting. Especially the players liked the fact that you can change the course of historical events.

The first two parts were two-dimensional, and only starting with the third the developers pleased gamers with three-dimensional graphics. Of course, such an event could not but cause positive emotions.

Europa universalis

Each gamer can choose any European country, and then begin to create a global empire. In addition to the economic component, it is important to establish politics and military forces. Only in this way will it be possible to negotiate or annex the neighboring country.

Negatively, the players spoke about the rather complicated gameplay and interface. It was necessary to deal with the first, and with the second - put up and get used to it. Well, those who were not afraid of difficulties chose their game approach and captured the world.

Pax Romana: reviews

This is a PC strategy about the Ancient World, namely Rome. She came out in 2003. Refers to economic simulators.

Players praised the fact that thanks to the game they were able to feel power over the whole world. The virtual character must engage in the development of Ancient Rome in order to turn it into a powerful empire. The project also liked its diversity: here it is necessary to monitor the economy, politics, technology and the army.

Of course, not all gamers were glad that at the beginning of the game they get a very weak country with an undeveloped economy and a weak army. But for the rest, on the contrary, it seemed the main advantage of the project.

Pax romana

Praetorians reviews

Another strategy about Ancient Rome, released in 2003. The player falls during the reign of Guy Julius Caesar. Many were glad to see themselves as a military leader. Gamers praised the large number of historical events that world history tells us about.

Negative reviews affected the unremarkable kind of game. Despite the truly interesting gameplay, the graphics on the popularity of the game affected not the best way.

Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War: reviews

This is one of the best strategies about the Ancient World, if only because it takes the player to Rome, Greece, Persia and Egypt. Everyone should choose a civilization for themselves and bring it to world domination.

Since the project appeared in 2006, by that time it looked very decent in terms of graphics and the gameplay as a whole. Gamers liked the fact that the developers made two modes: strategic and role. Thus, the game became universal and was liked by fans of role-playing games and classic strategies.

Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War

Positive reviews also touched on the good work of the writers. Those, in turn, tried to recreate a reliable historical picture, to work out equipment and weapons. Interesting mythological and fantasy stories have become a pleasant addition.

Knights of Honor: reviews

This is a global strategy that takes us to the medieval period. Naturally, she was most liked by those who love the knightly era. The game was released in 2005.

What did the players like? The main feature is a global map with hundreds of different states that existed at that time. At the same time, anyone can choose any country that they like, and work on the development of its economy and military power.

This is another good strategy that is difficult to find negative reviews. Although it is not very different from all of the above, but it is no worse than them. Players praised the sheer number of features and well-written details: from religion to the social order.

Crusader Kings: reviews

Another medieval story. The game was released in 2004. The gamer will be able to participate in major historical events: the Hundred Years War, the Battle of Hastings or the Third Crusade. The game approach in this case is typical of a global strategy: you need to choose a state and become the most powerful and strong in the entire virtual world.

Crusader kings

Negative and positive reviews generally touched the same thing: the developers introduced random events. What does it mean? The player captures territories: at first he can do it simply, without paying much attention to this, but the more areas he has accumulated, the more difficult it will be to keep them.

Therefore, some gamers were unpleasantly surprised that the controlled territory rebelled, although in others it was aroused by excitement.

Golden Horde: reviews

This is a domestic project, which was released in 2008. Few people know about him, because to the players he seemed “raw” and incomplete. But he gained his popularity in narrow circles due to thematic and close history. As the name implies, the game is about Russia.

A gamer can choose one of three factions, which, of course, is very small compared to other projects. You will have to play for the Teutons, Rusich or the Golden Horde. Some players were unhappy that the developer had mixed in the role genre here. But many praised the historical setting and the display of real equipment.

Imperium Romanum: reviews

Another ancient Roman story. In general, many of the best historical PC strategy games are dedicated to Rome. Gamers also liked this option. The peculiarity of this particular project is that it is a city-planning simulator.

Players noted that it is not easy to start construction, as the game provides the simplest location and structures. But the more the state develops, the more opportunities appear. The game has a simple and intuitive interface and is perfect for those who want to try this genre.

Imperium rumum

Hegemony Gold: Wars of Ancient Greece: reviews

But this story is about Ancient Greece. Real-time strategy allows you to plunge into the state of that period. The player is available in several factions, with which you need to gain power in the country.

Most of all, the game was liked by lovers of this era and Ancient Greece. In fact, there are too many similar projects, and it is unlikely that anyone will stop this choice. The game seems ordinary and unremarkable. The classic strategy offers everything that is implemented in more popular versions.

Other games

Turn-based historical strategies on the PC is really a huge amount. It will not be easy to describe them all, and sometimes it makes no sense. In the gaming industry, it so happened that the coolest and highest-quality projects are becoming popular. Therefore, if you meet a game that almost no one has heard of, you should not hope that it turns out to be of high quality and interesting.

By the way, in addition to the Ancient World and the Middle Ages, there are many strategies that are devoted to the First and Second World Wars. Many games of this genre on the theme of space. For example, you've probably heard of StarCraft.

But the most popular strategy game that is still popular today is WarCraft. Firstly, this is one of the founders of this genre. The project became known in 1994 and to this day remains relevant.

Its influence is difficult to overestimate. Thanks to WarCraft, WoW, DOTA AllStars and Dota 2 projects became known. Card games and a huge number of stories appeared: films, books, etc. Players, in addition to the gameplay, like the story of the confrontation between orcs and people.

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