For the average person, “cellulite” is just a word. But most women know firsthand that this is a disappointing diagnosis. This cosmetic defect occurs at certain stages of life in almost every woman - according to statistics, in 9 out of 10 women. There are many ways to deal with the "orange peel". But the situation is exacerbated when cellulite is detected during pregnancy. In this interesting position, preference should be given only to safe means. What methods of combating cellulite are acceptable during pregnancy?
Cellulitis and pregnancy
Many women get very upset when they discover an “orange peel” during pregnancy. She appears even in slender and thin persons, so do not rush to consider yourself fat. It is important to understand that during gestation, cellulite is a natural process. Usually it becomes noticeable at 10-14 weeks of gestation. It is very easy to recognize it on several grounds.
What does cellulite look like?
To understand that during pregnancy cellulite appeared is very simple. To do this, just make a kind of test. It consists of the following actions. On the thigh, grip a small area of the skin between the index and thumb, rolling it a little. If only smoothness is felt, then there is no reason for worries. If you can feel or even visually notice bumps-bumps that look like an orange peel, then this is a sign of cellulite. During gestation, it develops gradually.
Several stages can be distinguished, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms. First, skin lesions (scratches, abrasions, cuts) begin to heal more slowly on the abdomen, hips and buttocks. Further, thickenings on the body can be observed, the appearance of which is due to the accumulation of lymphatic fluid. Then spontaneous bruises occur (that is, without bumps and bruises). They indicate internal damage to the epidermis. At the very last stage, seals under the skin, the so-called "orange peel," appear. What cellulite looks like can be seen in the photo below.
Why does cellulite appear during pregnancy?
The baby in the womb for the full development requires an additional set of nutrients. Their body is able to accumulate through the formation and supply of fatty tissue. Because of this, tubercles are localized in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. Metabolic reactions slow down and cellulite appears.
In some women, the uterus increases significantly during pregnancy and the pressure on the veins increases. Because of this, there is a violation of blood flow, which leads to the appearance of cellulite.
The “orange peel” can also be explained by iodine deficiency. As the baby develops this substance, it actively absorbs from the mother's body. It is iodine that is responsible for the regulation of metabolic processes at the cellular level and contributes to the timely breakdown of fats.
During pregnancy, the female body is rebuilt not only at the physiological, but also at the hormonal level. Such changes lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes and to oxygen starvation of cells.
For some girls, the “orange peel” appears for the same obvious reasons as for non-pregnant women. This is a lack of physical activity, a poor diet, the use of junk food in large quantities. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to this cosmetic defect.
In each case, there is a reason why, during pregnancy, cellulite forms on the legs and stomach. And if possible, it is necessary to start fighting with her. It is best to start treatment as early as possible so as not to aggravate the problem. Also, with the onset of pregnancy, it is important to observe preventive measures.
Cellulitis during pregnancy: what to do?
After the birth of the baby, the mother’s body gradually recovers and returns to the antenatal state. The hormonal background is normalized, the body shape is corrected, fatty deposits are broken down, metabolic reactions are activated. But for the successful completion of all these processes even at the stage of fetal development, it is important to exclude the likelihood that lipodystrophy will go into an advanced stage.
When selecting methods against the "orange peel", the main condition must be observed: all means must be safe not only for the expectant mother, but also for the developing fetus. Therefore, you will have to exclude the grueling classes in the fitness rooms, synthetic cosmetics, hot wraps, essential oils and hardware procedures. The above methods can harm the baby's health and even cause premature birth.
Then how to deal with cellulite during pregnancy? In fact, there are plenty of ways to eliminate this cosmetic defect. But moderate physical activity and proper nutrition as the most affordable and effective methods deserve special attention. When choosing funds, it is important to consult a doctor, since any careless action can provoke an abortion. It is worth considering in more detail what is permissible to do during the bearing of the fetus.
Physical exercise
If both the expectant mother and the baby tolerate physical exercises well, then in no case should you abandon them. Any active sports are prohibited. Therefore, for pregnant women, special gymnastics has long been developed, which helps to preserve the beauty of the body and even cope with stress during childbirth.
If cellulite appears, what to do during pregnancy? Doctors highly praise daily walks. This is a very gentle form of physical activity, during which the body is well saturated with oxygen. This favorably affects microcirculation and metabolism. As a result, walking gradually eliminates the “orange peel”. It is better to stroll in the fresh air - in a park or forest - for several hours a day. Ideally, the first two trimesters are best to live in rural areas.
Safe and effective methods are swimming and water aerobics. The body during training resists the movement of water, resulting in a massage of problem areas. But it is important to perform all movements smoothly and calmly, without straining.
It is also useful to attend yoga classes or gymnastics for expectant mothers. They are able to improve metabolic processes, strengthen the cardiovascular system and activate the respiratory system. Usually, trainers select exercises individually, taking into account the gestational age and level of preparation.
Anticellulite massage
Classic anti-cellulite massage is very effective. But with his help, it is unacceptable to fight cellulite during pregnancy, as in the case of active loads. The doctor can only allow short and light self-massage sessions. The main thing in their implementation is regularity and smoothness, and not the strength of pressing and the activity of movements. Massage to pain and bruising for a woman in position is prohibited.
The main permitted techniques are pats, stroking and light grinding. These movements must be made from the bottom up to the legs, without affecting the abdomen. The procedure is best done no longer than 3-5 minutes, preferably in the evening. For self-massage you will need olive oil and a special roller.
It is worth noting that after childbirth, you can start a massage again only after two months. Moreover, this should be only a recovery course, and not a complete anti-cellulite program.
Proper nutrition
How to get rid of cellulite during pregnancy? Of course, you must follow a special diet and try not to overeat. Otherwise, not only an “orange peel” will appear, but also excess weight. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with gastronomic experiments. Only a varied and balanced diet will become the key to the success of the harmonious development of the baby and the fight against cellulite. This fact must be considered when drawing up a daily diet.
Of course, there are many useful products that a future mother should eat. But if you want to get rid of subcutaneous tubercles, you need to lean on the next food. These are fruits, vegetables, greens, berries, “live” sour milk, eggs, boiled meat and steamed fish. These products saturate the body with useful trace elements, vitamins, fiber and contribute to the elimination of cellulite. It is recommended to eat food in small portions, but often. It is also important to give up sugary, salty, smoked foods and carbonated drinks. Only under these conditions, you can save the beauty of the figure of the mother and the health of the baby.
Various wraps are indicated in the fight against cellulite. During pregnancy, it is better to abandon them. Such procedures adversely affect the development of the fetus and adversely affect his health. It's all about the composition of anti-cellulite wraps (creams, gels and scrubs). Their components can provoke an allergic reaction, especially in the presence of a hormonal imbalance of the expectant mother. As a result, there may be a threat to the normal course of pregnancy. In addition, the wraps are harmful due to thermal effects, which can also adversely affect the health of the woman in position and her baby.
Also with such anti-cellulite procedures, it is recommended to postpone and after childbirth. Only after the restoration of the body can you fight a cosmetic defect with wraps.
Cosmetical tools
If cellulite appears during pregnancy, you can use cosmetics. It can be creams, gels, lotions and other products. But their choice should be treated with utmost discretion. The product is not always safe for the expectant mother and her baby, even if the label says "for pregnant women". Before buying, you need to carefully study the composition yourself, and not blindly trust the seller’s statements.
Anti-cellulite products should not contain synthetic oils, parabens and other chemicals, since they are harmful to women in position. Safely restore skin elasticity will help products made on the basis of seaweed, green tea, calendula and horse chestnut. These ingredients can eliminate local swelling and normalize blood flow, resulting in the disappearance of the "orange peel".
If cellulite appeared during pregnancy on the priest, hips and abdomen, you can use natural homeopathic medicines. For example, this is an extract of ficus and citrus oil. It is also permissible to use baby oils for newborns. Such funds are safe, so they will not harm health.
Folk ways
Cellulite has been encountered since ancient times. Therefore, our grandmothers also knew how to deal with this cosmetic defect. To do this, they used various improvised tools and the most affordable products. Importantly, these methods are effective and completely safe. Here are some useful grandma’s recipes:
- Coat the problem areas with thick honey and massage thoroughly with your hands. You do not need to press hard on the skin, otherwise there will be bruises. The main thing is to stretch the body a little and warm up the muscles.
- If there is strong cellulite during pregnancy, you can try baths with the addition of sea salt. Only water should not be too hot. It will be quite enough to repeat the procedure twice a week.
- Clay shows itself well in the fight against cellulite. It can also be added to the water while taking a bath. You can also make masks with clay. To do this, it is applied to problem areas and the body is wrapped with a film. After 20 minutes, the mixture can be washed off the skin.
- While taking a shower, it is recommended to rub the problem areas with a hard washcloth. But it is strictly forbidden to affect the stomach, otherwise it can lead to a miscarriage.
- It is believed that with "orange peel" it is useful to apply freshly brewed coffee to the skin. It must be rubbed into problem areas, and then rinse.
- To get rid of cellulite on the legs during pregnancy, you can prepare an oil mixture. It must be rubbed into the skin twice a day. For example, the composition may include olive, sage, cedar, cypress, lemon and eucalyptus oils.
- The following mixture is also effective. Take water and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions, add a few drops of your favorite oils. Shake and rub into skin before use. It is important to avoid those areas where there is varicose veins, otherwise it can negatively affect the state of the veins.
When choosing a recipe, remember that some oils may be allergic. Some have intolerance to the individual components, which also should not be forgotten. Any procedure should be safe for a pregnant woman and her fetus.
Useful Tips
It is proved by numerous reviews: cellulite during pregnancy will go away faster without harm to health, if you adhere to the following recommendations. Oddly enough, they relate to clothing. In it, a woman should be comfortable and comfortable. It follows:
- Refuse high heels. They additionally load the spine and contribute to the appearance of swelling. As a result, a pathological skin defect appears or is aggravated. During pregnancy, it is better for stilettos to prefer more comfortable shoes, in which their legs will be less tired.
- Any item of clothing and underwear should not be tight and squeezing. Due to the pull of the body, the natural blood flow is disturbed, which leads to the formation of cellulite.
- At the time of gestation, you should forget about anti-cellulite tights, shorts and other clothes. They locally create a greenhouse effect, which is extremely undesirable and even dangerous for the baby’s health.
The appearance of cellulite during pregnancy is associated with natural processes. Usually, after birth, this defect disappears without any effort on the part of the woman. Therefore, you should not turn to drastic measures, noticing a few tubercles under your skin. It will be enough to use safe means, a balanced diet, frequent and prolonged walks in the fresh air.
What is forbidden to do pregnant with cellulite?
Women in the position to eliminate the "orange peel" need to be very careful and only with the permission of the doctor. Under no circumstances should the following manipulations be performed:
- Carrying out hardware or anti-cellulite massage, the use of vibratory massagers.
- The use of anti-cellulite cosmetics and warming creams. Massage, masks and wraps with their use can provoke uncontrolled blood flow in the pelvis, which negatively affects the fetus. Also, anti-cellulite cosmetics are banned due to chemical and aggressive substances in the composition.
- Carrying out anti-cellulite wraps.
- The use of artificial cosmetics, acid peeling, essential oils.
- Taking a bath using warming substances.
- Following a strict diet to eliminate cellulite during pregnancy.
- Excessive physical activity, which is accompanied by high physical activity.
- Any procedures that need to be carried out while lying on the stomach.
When carrying a child, it is important to accustom yourself to consult with your doctor about almost any reason. The fight against cellulite is no exception. The doctor will analyze the state of health and give recommendations on how to eliminate this cosmetic defect.
Prevention of cellulite in pregnant women
How to get rid of cellulite during pregnancy is a secondary issue. It is much more important to know how to prevent this problem from occurring. After all, the best way to deal with an illness is to level the likelihood of its occurrence. So, what does the prevention of cellulite during pregnancy include:
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. From the first days of pregnancy, it is important to exclude unhealthy foods from the diet. It is also necessary to limit the intake of foods with a high concentration of salt and sugar.
- Physical activity and movement. These are the main enemies of the "orange peel". But it’s not worth exhausting yourself with hard sport. It is enough to walk daily in the park or in the forest to maintain a figure in a beautiful shape.
- Water treatments. Regular swimming in the pool is very beneficial for the whole body. It has a gentle massage effect on the body and prevents the onset of cellulite during pregnancy.
- Cosmetic procedures. They must be agreed with the doctor, since some methods are unacceptable when carrying a child.
Almost all women are exposed to cellulite, and getting rid of it is not so simple. During pregnancy, this is a completely natural process, which is provided by nature itself. As a rule, cellulite after childbirth passes by itself. But in some cases this does not happen. What actions can then be taken?
How to remove the "orange peel" after childbirth?
It is not so easy to deal with cellulite during pregnancy. Some doctors recommend dealing with this problem precisely after childbirth, since most of the specialized methods are not available for girls in position. After the appearance of the baby and during lactation, the arsenal of methods for eliminating body fat significantly expands. What treatments are effective against the "orange peel"? They are as follows:
- Anti-cellulite wraps, postpartum swaddling.
- Classical, lymphatic drainage and apparatus massage.
- Deep peeling.
- A visit to the bath.
- Water aerobics, swimming.
- Active physical activity, treadmill activities, cycling.
- Anti-cellulite cosmetics.
So, the appearance of the “orange peel” - ugly subcutaneous tubercles - is almost inevitable during gestation. There are many ways to remove cellulite during pregnancy. But you should choose only safe methods that will not harm the baby in the womb and the expectant mother. In this regard, it is better to consult a specialist who monitors the course of pregnancy. He will analyze the state of health and recommend suitable safe ways to eliminate cellulite.