Some girls know the happiness of motherhood at the moment when they most want it. Others cannot conceive for years and await this amazing moment with trepidation. Others, on the contrary, are horrified to realize that perhaps there is already a new life within them.
Regardless of the situation, every woman wants to find out as soon as possible about her interesting situation. "Am I pregnant? Or is it just a temporary ailment?" Such questions torment almost every woman who leads an active sex life. Fortunately, today there are many ways that can upset or, conversely, make a woman happy.
How to find out that you are pregnant? Of course, the easiest and quickest way to get a special test strip, which helps to determine an interesting situation, based on chemical changes in female urine.
Pregnancy test
When they talk about how to determine pregnancy at home, then this method is voiced by almost everyone. Today in pharmacies a huge variety of these simple products is presented both at a more affordable and high price. A pregnancy test is distinguished by its quick action and accuracy of the result. After a small amount of female urine enters the strip, a chemical reaction occurs, which determines the change in the hCG hormone, which is the main indicator of an interesting situation.
However, before you determine pregnancy at home using a test strip, you must familiarize yourself with her instructions and follow some recommendations. It is best to use this product after a delay in menstruation. Those who want to clarify their situation earlier are advised to purchase hypersensitivity tests (they cost almost twice as much as standard products). If a woman has doubts, it is better to use several tests at once.
To answer the eternal question: “Am I pregnant?”, Just spend a few minutes. To determine the interesting position, you need to unpack the test and immerse it in a vessel with morning urine to the indicated level for 3-5 minutes, depending on the manufacturer of the product. After this time, just look at the indicator. If 2 strips are clearly visible on it, then this is a confirmation of pregnancy. However, when only one line appears, there is also a chance that the woman is still in an interesting position.
As a rule, false data appears if a lady used diuretics before testing. This leads to too much fluid formation, making it harder to detect the necessary hormone. In addition, often errors occur due to heart disease or due to improper functioning of the kidneys.
Also, the test can be completely useless if the fetus originated outside the uterus. Therefore, those who ask the question: “Am I pregnant?” Should understand that such a method of determining an interesting situation gives a 100 percent guarantee only if the woman is healthy. Therefore, it is better to play it safe. Moreover, today you can determine the interesting position of the lady by other methods.
How to find out without a test that you are pregnant (or not)
At a time when modern methods had not yet been invented, the girls paid attention to the slightest nuances in order to determine their interesting position. Of course, there are no different beliefs or predictions in mind. We are talking about very real signs of pregnancy, feelings and more.
For example, if a lady is in an interesting position, then, most likely, she will notice that:
- The chest swelled and became more sensitive. However, a similar symptom may also be a harbinger of upcoming menstruation. As a rule, a few days before menstruation, girls note an increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. If such symptoms are observed long before menstruation, then you should think about your situation.
- Changed taste preferences. How else to get the answer to the question: "Am I pregnant?" First of all, pay attention to the products lying in the refrigerator. If your favorite treats are now disgusted, and completely new products have replaced them, then perhaps we are talking about the restructuring of the body caused by pregnancy.
- Susceptibility to odors. This is another symptom of pregnancy. If the girl’s smells of her favorite perfumes and deodorants are literally unbearable, she suffers a headache and even nausea from her beloved aromas, this may indicate that a new life was born in her body.
- Toxicosis. Of course, talking about the early symptoms of pregnancy, it is worth mentioning and morning sickness. However, this ailment can also be caused by poisoning or other ailments. Therefore, it all depends on how a woman feels throughout the day.
- Changes in the psychological state. Since during pregnancy hormones in the body of a woman begin to literally jump, this leads to frequent changes in mood. A woman in position can start to cry for no reason and also quickly jump into laughter. Increased emotionality can also be the answer to the question: "Am I pregnant?"
- Drowsiness and fatigue. If a woman begins to get tired very quickly and constantly wants to sleep for no apparent reason, then this may be one of the signs of pregnancy. However, increased fatigue can be caused by other ailments or increased workloads.
- Heaviness in the lower abdomen. Everyone who asks questions: “Am I pregnant and what signs of nature can indicate this?” Should pay attention to their feelings in the abdominal cavity. When any kind of changes occur in the uterus, it affects the bladder and other internal organs. Because of this, ladies begin to experience discomfort and pulling pains. However, similar symptoms are also observed before the onset of menstruation. For example, a girl may start going to the toilet more often.
- The appearance of secretions. If traces began to remain on the underwear, then this can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy. However, in this case, you should be vigilant. If the discharge is too plentiful and accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, then it is more likely to say that the girl suffers from an infection of the genitourinary system. In such a situation, you must immediately contact a specialist to pass the necessary tests.
These pregnancy symptoms and their description are not a 100% guarantee that the woman is in an interesting position. However, if the representative of the fair sex observes serious changes in taste preferences and favorite aromas, experiences lethargy and morning sickness, then these symptoms are very much reminiscent of entering the first stage of bearing a baby. There are also other signs that can help girls answer the question: “How do I know if I am pregnant without a test?”
Basal temperature
This method of determining an interesting situation is most often resorted to by ladies who wish to become mothers. In this case, the woman should be aware of the state of her health, the beginning of the menstrual cycle and the days of ovulation. The fact is that it is on these dates that the probability of becoming pregnant increases significantly. To determine the beginning of ovulation, you need to be sure that the menstruation passes without failures at a certain time. You should also make sure that the girl does not suffer from infectious and other ailments.
To determine ovulation, you need to use a thermometer, with which you need to measure body temperature through the rectum. It is best to perform such manipulations immediately after sleep, since in this case the data will be more accurate. Around the middle of the cycle, a temperature jump occurs - this is ovulation. The figures are held at about 37 degrees throughout the second half of the cycle, and by the beginning of the new fall again. If the thermometer column shows an elevated temperature when menstruation should already begin, and there are none too, then this may indicate that a new life has arisen inside the lady and she will have to decide whether she is ready to become a mother.
However, most young girls who ask themselves: “How do I know if I’m pregnant?” Do not keep an ovulation schedule, and sometimes they are not even sure when they should start their periods. In this case, you can try simpler methods that will help determine an interesting situation without acquiring expensive tests.
How to find out whether you are pregnant or not: other ways
Several centuries ago, women actively used traditional medicine methods to solve a wide variety of problems. Today the situation has not changed much, many girls still trust the proven methods that their grandmothers taught them more.
However, it is worth considering that this practice is not accurate. Therefore, to obtain more specific results, it is still worth using the means of modern medicine. Nevertheless, many will be interested in learning other ways that previously helped establish an interesting position for the ladies.
Today, this rite is more perceived as a joke. In order to determine pregnancy, you need to write “pregnant” on one glass, and “not pregnant” on the other. After that, one onion is placed in the dishes. To establish an interesting position, it is enough to wait in which glass the onion will begin to sprout. This is a kind of fortune-telling on a camomile, only in a new way. Is pregnancy worth checking in this way? Unless for the sake of laughter.
Of course, before there was a huge amount of beliefs associated with dreams. Pregnancy of women was no exception. On the one hand, women really have the best intuition. On the other hand, dreams are not always an omen of the future. If you think about elephants all day, it is not surprising that during sleep the brain will project similar pictures.
However, those who believe in beliefs will be interested to know how to determine pregnancy at home based on their dreams.
So, there is an opinion that future mothers see water and fish swimming in it in a dream. Others do not philosophize strongly and say that before they knew the news about their pregnancy, they saw young children. However, this can also be explained by an elementary fixation on one's desires.
This is another dubious but interesting way to determine pregnancy at home. To do this, a woman should put her hand on her stomach just below the belly button. If she feels the pulsation, then this suggests that she will soon become a mother. In this regard, the word "soon" is really relevant. Indeed, in order to feel the heartbeat of the fetus without additional equipment or ultrasound, the gestational age should be extremely impressive. During this period, a woman will be able to determine her interesting position by a greatly enlarged abdomen.
If the so-called pulsations are felt a few weeks after sexual intercourse, then this is most likely ordinary self-hypnosis.
This is a kind of analogue of a pregnancy test. Only in this case, data are obtained based on the level of acid-base balance in the urine of a woman.
Before determining pregnancy without a test, it is necessary to prepare a small container. It is required to pour a little morning urine into it and add one spoonful of soda. After that, just wait for the chemical reaction. If the soda immediately began to hiss, then this indicates an increased acidity, respectively, the lady is not in position. If the dry component just precipitated, then this may be a sign of too high alkaline balance, which is typical during pregnancy.
However, regardless of the method chosen, you need to understand that the body of each person is different in its features. Therefore, do not make hasty conclusions based on dreams or other dubious methods.
Interesting Facts About Pregnancy
The development of the fetus is a very informative process. However, not everyone, for example, knows that starting from 3 weeks of age and up to 8 weeks, the human embryo is endowed with a tail that simply disappears during the development of the fetus.
Many believe that pregnancy lasts 9 months. Usually yes, but doctors recorded the longest bearing of the fetus, which amounted to as many as 375 days. What is noteworthy, the child was born completely healthy and did not differ from other newborns in weight. But the fastest child was born by one woman who was in an interesting position for only 22 weeks. The baby was born really tiny, his height was a little more than an ordinary ballpoint pen.
Of course, everyone dreams at least once to see a pregnant man writhing from pain and other ailments. Such cases are becoming more common today, but we are talking about people who have changed sex. The first man to officially give birth to a baby was Thomas Beatty, who was once a woman, and then decided not to deny himself the pleasure of knowing motherhood, despite the change of gender.
According to statistics, over the past 10 years, cases of cesarean section have increased by 40%. Whether this is due to the poor health of women or their reluctance to go through natural childbirth is not clear.
There are many ways to clarify a pregnancy or its absence. However, do not treat this issue negligently. If a woman wants to bear and give birth to a healthy baby, then it is better to consult a specialist and undergo an examination at an early date.