Glass catfish. Aquarium fish

Want to add originality to the aquarium? Need a fish that looks amazing? An excellent candidate for the role of "local original" is glass catfish. Some admire the look of this fish, others consider it pale. Tastes are different for everyone, it is impossible to please everyone. But one thing is certain - this catfish is one of the most unusual fish. If you are one of those who like such unusual creatures, you should find out more about the candidate for pets, because the conditions of this creature are quite strict, and not every aquarist can observe them.


glass catfish

Indian glass catfish is sometimes still called a ghost catfish. Of course, the first thing that catches your eye in the appearance of this fish is its absolute transparency. So, you can see all the bones and internal organs. But glass catfish was nicknamed not only for appearance. Its fragility extends to the conditions of detention, to which it is very sensitive.

In nature, ghosts live in the rivers of Indonesia and Thailand. Mostly live in streams or rivers with a weak current. A flock of fish rises upstream, catching prey passing by. Under natural conditions, catfish grow up to 25 centimeters in length.

Only the head and “bag” with internal organs are opaque in the catfish. A pair of very long whiskers grows from the upper lip of the fish. At first glance it seems that the catfish has no dorsal fin, but in fact it is, only very small. But this fish does not have a fat fin for an aquarium.


beautiful aquarium fish

First, let's determine the size of the aquarium. In general, glass catfish is a small creature, in captivity it does not grow more than 10 cm, so a small aquarium will arrange it. But if the purpose of the acquisition is to create not just tolerable conditions, but to organize a cozy and comfortable world for these amazing creatures, then you need to carefully approach the arrangement of the home.

This catfish is a schooling fish. For a family of 6, the aquarium should be at least 80 liters. It is not recommended to buy a smaller group, because then the fish become more nervous, their appetite worsens, and as a result, they can begin to hurt due to stress.

In the requirement for the form of housing, these beautiful aquarium fish are different from relatives. The fact is that they prefer elongated aquariums in which there are many plants and water circulation is ensured. Algae will make the fish feel more comfortable, because in the case of the slightest, even imaginary danger, catfish hide in dense bushes. A flock of "glass" swims mainly in the middle layers, not hiding in snags and bushes, like most catfish of other species. Our catfish and floating plants love that create such a nice shadow.

aquarium fish

Lighting fish prefer dim. Bright light is a very stressful situation. These aquarium fish need at least a few shady areas.


As already mentioned, glass catfish is very demanding on the conditions of detention. It is extremely important for him that the water parameters remain constant or fluctuate very slightly.

Glass catfish, the content of which for a beginner will be almost beyond their strength, needs clean water. Powerful filters must be installed in the aquarium, which will round-the-clock biological treatment. It is advisable to buy an external filter. In addition, aeration of the water in the aquarium is necessary.

For water, the following parameters must be observed: hardness in the range of 4-15 °, acidity of pH 6.5-7.5, and the water temperature should constantly be in the range of 23-26 degrees. It has been said above that a flow resembling a natural one will be a wonderful gift for a pet. In addition, at least 20% of the water needs to be changed weekly.

To understand that the fish are not suitable for the conditions of detention is quite simple: they lose their usual transparency, suddenly finding color. Therefore, carefully monitor the condition of the water and the fish themselves - the appearance of a “body” indicates not only discomfort, but can also become a symptom of serious illness.


Almost all catfish pick up food from the bottom. In addition, most of them are nocturnal. But glass catfish is unique in this. It is active in the daytime, and it searches for food in the same place where it is located most of the time - in the middle layers. Som definitely does not intend to pick food from the "land". He is too aristocratic for that. Therefore, for its feeding, live foods will be ideal: insect larvae, daphnia, and so on. Of course, these fish also eat good dry food, but you cannot limit the glass to such a diet. For them, diversity is very important. By the way, despite the apparent slowness and inhibition, the catfish at the feeder is earlier than all the other inhabitants of the aquarium.

catfish glass content

Dry or granular food should be small, as the catfish has a very small mouth. In addition, in an aquarium with other fish, catfish can open the hunt for alien fry, because in natural conditions they eat just like that.


These beautiful aquarium fish are quite peaceful creatures. They are completely indifferent to neighbors. However, this does not apply to shrimp or fry - here the catfish will not miss its place. But nevertheless, for the company, it is better for the "glass" to choose a calm fish that will not irritate them with its activity. Great neighbors will be neons, rhodostomuses, and other harazzins. Although the ideal option for glass catfish is an individual housing, where they can feel like sovereign owners.


Glass catfish has been known for aquarium owners around the world for almost 100 years, but so far no one has been able to put catfish breeding on stream. In this species, the reproduction process has not been studied much. Of course, there are cases when fry of glass catfish are hatched at home, but this is rather an accident, and the owners themselves cannot explain what they did, that the fish began to breed.

catfish indian glass

There are no differences between the sexes at the moment. When keeping fish in a pack of more than 10 individuals, it is likely to be the owner of heterosexual fish. Perhaps you are lucky and you can get offspring from them.

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